Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Susan miller constellation pdf_ susan miller constellation

Susan miller constellation pdf_ susan miller constellation

Susan miller Constellation Encyclopedia Catalogue

The constellation of Susan Miller, the king of the world constellations.

Author's preface: How did I become a prophet?

The first chapter is a guide to astrology: the real knowledge of understanding people and predicting things.

Section 65438 +0 Astrology History: Flexible and changeable, always useful.

The origin of astrology: the oldest and most effective divination

Classical astrology: the predicted energy of the zodiac

Modern Astrology: From Mysticism to Real Knowledge

Section 2 Astrology Fundamentals: A Quick Introduction

Unveiling the Mystery of Astrology: Art or Science?

The master of the constellation: the two masters decide everything for you.

Wheel of Life: Special Issue "12"

The secret of prediction: everyone has a unique astrolabe.

Southern Hemisphere and Northern Hemisphere: Relative constellations, perfect symmetry

Sun and Rising Constellation: Why do people in the same constellation have different personalities?

Relative constellation and adjacent constellation: tacit understanding with some people, some people hedge, the answer is here.

Yin and Yang: Are you a lover or a relative?

What are the three characteristics of the constellation: pioneering, persisting and seeking change?

The four elements of the constellation: earth, fire, wind and water.

From Pisces to Aquarius: We will stay in Aquarius for 2 100 years.

Destiny is still in your hands: what the stars predict is not necessarily what you can get.

Section 3 Use astrology correctly: Let the power of the universe help you.

Chapter 2 Guardian Star: The Big Secret Hidden Behind Personality

Section 1 The Sun: The Chief Astrologer

The sun in astronomy: the basis of life prosperity

The sun in astrology: in charge of leadership, execution and creativity

The Earth: It doesn't belong to the traditional astrolabe

The Earth in Astronomy: The Third Planet

The earth in astrology: its function and influence are still under study.

The Moon: In Charge of Women

The moon in astronomy: the natural satellite of the earth

The Moon in Astrology: Bringing Creativity, Fertility and Imagination

The fourth water-saving star: objective journalists and negotiators

Mercury in Astronomy: Nearest to the Sun

Mercury is in astrology: responsible for reasoning and communication.

Venus rules love, interests, gifts and luxury.

Venus in astronomy: the brightest star except the sun and the moon.

Venus in astrology: bringing beauty, friendship and love.

Section 6 Mars: Strong action and full of energy at all times.

Mars in astronomy: igniting the reverie of the future in the new era.

Mars rules energy, endurance and execution.

Section 7 Jupiter: Bring gifts to everyone

Jupiter in astronomy: the largest planet with a halo

Jupiter in astrology: Ruling property, talent and luck.

Section 8 Saturn: Living alone and cautiously

Saturn in astronomy: the most beautiful planet

Saturn in astrology: controlling our old age

Uranus: bringing unpredictable development.

Uranus in astronomy: a unique way of operation

Uranus in Astrology: Ruling Liberation, Revival and Charity.

Section 10 Neptune: in charge of abstract things

Neptune in astronomy: a dark blue gaseous planet

Neptune in astrology: beyond reality, full of meditation and dreams

Pluto: a butterfly emerging from its cocoon.

Pluto in astronomy: the farthest planet from the sun

Pluto in astrology: Ruling money, death, revival and reconstruction.

Chapter 3: The Sun Constellation: Changing Destiny, Starting from here.

Section 1 Aries: Irregular Career

Aries exclusive file: I can get it if I want it.

Aries' character and destiny: integrity, independence, courage and unyielding.

The legend of Aries and Mars: Good ideas must be produced.

Section 2 Taurus: the most artistic wealth manager

Taurus exclusive file: strength comes from will

Taurus's character and destiny: perseverance, pragmatism, good discrimination and financial management.

The legend of Taurus and Venus: Give love and be loved.

Gemini: an energetic negotiator

Exclusive files of Gemini: sharing and communication

Gemini's character and destiny: adaptable, fickle and good at communication.

The Legend of Gemini and Mercury: Maintaining Neutrality and Balance

Cancer in the fourth quarter: delicate feelings, the most investment potential.

Cancer exclusive file: happiness comes from family.

Cancer's character and destiny: loyalty, kindness and investment.

The legend of cancer and the moon: live clean

Section 5 Leo: Sharp-edged Creator

Leo's Exclusive Archives: Creation and Art

Leo's character and destiny: self-confidence, persistence and profound insight.

The Legend of Leo and the Sun: An Analysis of Fear, Courage and Strength

Section VI Virgo: Pursuing perfection and having principles.

Virgo's exclusive file: identifying valuable and priceless

Virgo's character and destiny: earnest, self-disciplined and good at thinking.

The legend of Virgo and Mercury: tenacity and strength from the inside out

Section 7 Libra: fair, rational and good at negotiation

Libra's Exclusive Archives: Reciprocal Justice

Libra's character and destiny: loyalty, rationality and sociability.

The legend of Libra and Venus: the first choice for mate selection

Section 8 Scorpio: loyal and stubborn, with a strong sixth sense.

Scorpio's exclusive file: control perception and insight

Scorpio's character and destiny: full of strength and good at control.

The Legend of Scorpio and Pluto: Life Cycle, Death and Rebirth

Section 9 Sagittarius: bohemian and the most disciplined

The exclusive archives of Sagittarius: philosophers in the zodiac

Sagittarius's character and destiny: sincerity, integrity, and extreme discretion.

The Legend of Sagittarius and Jupiter: Cognitive Sharing and Learning

Section 10 Capricorn: gentle and stubborn, strong leadership.

Capricorn's exclusive file: power and success

Capricorn's character and destiny: low-key, good at financial management and strong sense of responsibility.

The Legend of Capricorn and Saturn: About Power and Execution

Section 1 1 Aquarius: curious and radical, with both ability and political integrity.

Aquarius's exclusive file: mental perception variables

Aquarius's character and destiny: independence, frankness and control of creativity.

The Legend of Aquarius and Uranus: About Hope, Friendship and Challenge

Section 12 Pisces: unruly and good at managing money.

Pisces exclusive file: faith is more pious than obeying the rules.

Pisces' character and destiny: tolerance, sympathy and good negotiation.

The legend of Pisces and Neptune: measuring money, wisdom and love