Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - The main reasons for the decline in marriage rate

The main reasons for the decline in marriage rate

The main reasons for the decline in marriage rate

The main reason for the decline in marriage rate. According to the latest data released by official website, Ministry of Civil Affairs, in the first three quarters of 20021,the number of marriage registrations in China totaled 5.886 million, which was slightly lower than that in the first three quarters of last year. The main reason for the decline in marriage rate.

The main reason for the decline in marriage rate is 1. In China, the number of married people keeps decreasing, while the number of single people is increasing.

China Statistical Yearbook 20021shows that in 2020, the total number of marriage registrations will be 8 143300, a decrease from 20 19 years13000. This is also the decline for seven consecutive years since it reached 65,438+0,346,930 pairs in 2065,438+03. This has also set a new low of nearly 17 years since 2003 (8110.4 million pairs). Compared with the peak of 20 13 years, the number of married people in 2020 decreased by 39.5%, approaching 40%.

Marriage registration data include the number of first marriages and remarriages. Compared with the number of remarriages, the number of first marriages is more closely related to the birth population. 20 13 is also the peak of the number of first marriages, reaching 23.8596 million. By 2020, the number of first marriages will be 654.38+02.286 million, a decrease of 48.5% in seven years, approaching half. 9 percentage points more than the marriage logarithm.

Why did the number of first marriages drop so much? The decline in the marriageable age population is a factor, but not all. During the five years from 1986 to 1990, the number of births exceeded 23 million, especially 1987, the highest value since 1972-25.08 million, 1988, with 24.45 million. In addition, 1985 is close to 22 million people. When these groups get married at the age of 25 or 26, they mainly correspond to the first marriage groups of 20 10 to 20 15.

From 2009 to 20 15, the number of first marriages in China exceeded 2 1 10,000, among which, it exceeded 22 million from 20 10 to 20 14, and reached the peak of 23,859,600 in 20 13.

In the 1990s, although the annual birth population continued to decline, the annual birth population in China exceeded 20 million until 1997. The number of births in 1994 decreased by 16.4% compared with that in 1987, but the decrease was far less than the decrease in the number of first marriages from 20 13 to 2020. This shows that the "post-90 s" group, which is now entering the marriageable age, has a high proportion of unmarried people.

Therefore, the number of first marriages has decreased by nearly half, and there are other more prominent reasons besides the decrease in the total number of marriageable people.

Professor Dong, a population expert and president of Guangdong Population Development Research Institute, found that there are many only children in the "post-90 s" generation, and many people are only children even if they were born in rural areas. This generation has been educated for more and more years. Even after reaching the legal age of 22 for men and 20 for women, many people are still students. Most rural youths who didn't go to college also went out to work to make a living, which also affected marriage and childbearing.

For example, many people are generally 25 or 26 years old after graduating from master's degree, and they will be close to 30 years old after working for a few years. In addition, urbanization, economic pressure and changes in the concept of marriage and love have also delayed the age of marriage, and more and more people are getting married late or even not.

Dong analyzed that the rapid urbanization process will affect people's ideas and behaviors of marriage and childbearing. In the past decade, the population has accelerated to move to big cities and central cities, and the pressure of housing, transportation and consumption has had a real impact on people's love and marriage.

Especially from the individual point of view, the "post-90 s" have better living conditions, longer education time and more diverse lifestyles. They will be even more independent of their future ideas than their parents. The age of marriage and childbearing is delayed and lengthened, and individuals will also influence each other.

"There are even people who objectively and realistically think that getting married and having children will affect their career development and quality of life. It has become a realistic decision to postpone getting married and having children. In short, a considerable number of marriageable people are still unmarried, and the proportion is still rising. " Dong said to him.

The main reason for the decline in the marriage rate 2 Recently, two population-related reports caused heated discussion:

First, in 2020, the national birth rate was 8.52‰, which fell below 10‰ for the first time, setting a new low since 1978.

2. In 2020, the number of marriage registrations will decrease1130,000 pairs compared with 20 19 years. This is also the seventh consecutive year of decline since 20 13, and it has also set a new low of nearly 17 since 2003.

As for the former, China Statistical Yearbook 202 1 only lists the national birth rate since 1978, so the media reports that the national birth rate will hit a new low in 2020. However, if you query official website of the National Bureau of Statistics, you will find that the national birth rate will hit a new low since 1949 in 2020.

With regard to the latter, according to the latest data released by official website, Ministry of Civil Affairs, in the first three quarters of 20021,the number of marriage registrations in China totaled 5.886 million, which was slightly lower than that in the first three quarters of last year. If nothing unexpected happens, the number of marriage registrations in China will continue to decline in 20021year, although the decline has narrowed.

In Europe and America, children born out of wedlock are very common. According to OECD data, in 20 19 years, the average proportion of illegitimate children among newborns in EU countries was 4 1.3%. However, in China, marriage and childbirth are closely related, and the proportion of children born out of wedlock is very low, so the decline of marriage registration will inevitably have a negative impact on the birth rate.

It should be pointed out that among the marriage registration data, the data more closely related to the birth population is the number of first marriages, because some middle-aged and elderly people who remarried are also included in the marriage registration data, and some middle-aged and elderly people have passed their childbearing period, which has no impact on the birth population. From 20 13 to 2020, the number of registered marriages and the number of first marriages in China decreased for seven consecutive years; From 20 17 to 2020, China's birth population and birth rate decreased for four consecutive years. In this case, the decline in the birth rate is expected.

Why has the number of registered marriages in China been declining in recent years?

The first is the decline in the number of young people. According to the data of the National Bureau of Statistics, the population of post-80s (born in 1980- 19 89, etc.), post-90s and post-00s in China is 223 million, 21000,000 and1630,000 respectively, showing a continuous downward trend as a whole. Secondly, due to the rising cost of marriage, heavy work pressure and the great improvement of women's educational level and economic independence, the willingness of contemporary young people to get married has generally declined.

In addition, due to the high sex ratio at birth in China since the 1980s, the phenomenon of more men and fewer women is widespread, which is also an important reason for the decline in the number of marriage registrations in recent years. According to the data of the "Seven-Person Universal Program", there are 34.9 million more men than women in the total population of China, and these 30 million people are distributed in different age groups. Among them, the marriageable age of men aged 20-40 is more than that of women17.52 million. Generally speaking, due to various reasons, the number of registered marriages has declined, which should be paid enough attention to.

At present, the low birth rate in China has attracted public attention. To increase the birth rate, we must first increase the willingness of young people to get married and have children. To this end, all localities need to introduce relevant policies to encourage young people to get married and have children. Recently, several provinces adopted the newly revised Regulations on Population and Family Planning, generally extended marriage leave and maternity leave, and established parental leave.

Although extending marriage leave and maternity leave is conducive to encouraging young people to get married and have children, if the costs of extending marriage leave and maternity leave are all borne by enterprises, enterprises may be even more reluctant to recruit female employees in order to reduce the cost of human resources. To this end, the government needs to share the cost of extending marriage leave and maternity leave, which is conducive to reducing the burden on enterprises and preventing enterprises from discriminating against women in recruitment. Considering that children are social taxpayers when they grow up and work, it is reasonable for the government to share part of the cost of marriage and childbirth.

In addition, high housing prices are also a big obstacle to young people getting married and having children. To this end, local governments need to introduce relevant policies to reduce the housing costs of young people. For example, in some places where housing prices are extremely high, for those who implement the three-child policy, housing price concessions will be introduced, or interest-free loans will be implemented for the purchase of 1 suites. When allocating public rental housing, the government gives priority to families with minor children who meet the housing security conditions.

The issue of marriage and childbearing is not only a family issue but also a national issue, which is not only related to people's livelihood happiness and social stability, but also closely related to promoting the long-term balanced development of China's population, and urgently needs to attract enough attention from all walks of life.

The main reason for the decline in the marriage rate is that the number of registered marriages has dropped for seven consecutive years, and young people are increasingly reluctant to get married?

Recently, the news that "the number of marriage registrations has dropped for seven consecutive years" rushed to the hot search. The Statistical Yearbook of China 20021published by the National Bureau of Statistics shows that in 2020, the number of officially registered marriages totaled 814.33 million couples, which was11300,000 couples less than that in 20 19. Since 20 13, the number of registered marriages in China has dropped for seven consecutive years. In recent years, news about the decline of marriage rate has emerged one after another. Why do young people seem less and less willing to get married?

Say goodbye to traditional society and step into modern society.

The decline of fertility rate is closely related to our bid farewell to traditional society and stepping into modern society. When we talk about marriage and marriage rate, it seems to be related to this.

In the past, it was natural to get married and have children, and we seldom asked and thought-why should we get married? What is the meaning of marriage?

In traditional society or agricultural society, the number of family labor force is closely related to production capacity. To put it bluntly: if you want more laborers to carry water in the drought, protect one acre of land or grab water, the more children at home, the better (especially boys). In an agricultural society, even if you have no money, you should try to get married and have children. The economic model of agricultural society made the marriage at that time quite natural (compared with now) and had quite strong economic rationality.

On the other hand, the production structure of traditional society has formed an acquaintance society and a unique social consciousness. Even though we have been industrializing for the past 70 years, we can still see the influence of traditional society in some places. For example, in some rural areas, it is very strange not to get married when you are old. Three aunts and six grandmothers will urge you to get married, and even take the initiative to help you contact girls or matchmakers in neighboring villages. When you want a divorce, seven aunts and eight aunts all come to persuade you, for example, to persuade you that we just forget it, and that's how we all come over ... In this case, not getting married and wanting a divorce involves various problems, and the resistance is quite great.

After entering the modern society, everything began to be different. The mode of production in agricultural society has gone far away from us, and we have entered the era of modern industrialized production. From "one person can't live well" to "one person can live well". If you look at some news comment areas about marriage and childbearing, you will find that many people will say: I live well alone, I can eat and wear warm clothes. Why should I get married?

After bidding farewell to the traditional society, our ability to solve daily life and meet needs has been relatively improved. At the same time, the cost of marriage, child care and divorce (such as mortgage, car loan, education investment, eating, drinking and sleeping, etc.) is increasing, which objectively reduces our desire to get married.

In addition, modern people seem to pay more attention to their feelings-we pay attention to love and being loved, the feelings between the two sexes, equality and mutual respect (even though we may still pay attention to each other's economic conditions, education and family status). Free love relationship and modern emotional consciousness may also affect the stability of the family when they provide us with a more free and loving marriage relationship-marriage is no longer, not exactly, looking for a partner to live with.

Rural marriage problem

I have been talking about modern industrial society just now, and now I turn my attention to the countryside. Under the influence of inherent inertia and traditional ideas, rural areas have long been a place with high desire to have children and get married in China. However, at present, some rural areas with relatively backward economic conditions still face the problem of difficulty in getting married.

In the past, the concept of childbearing and the problem of women going out to work caused relatively few local women of childbearing age and more single men in rural areas. China Statistical Yearbook 202 1 Table 2- 1 1 Number of households by region, population, sex ratio and number of households (2020) show that the sex ratio of rural population in China is 107.9438+0. (Some time ago, the news that "it is difficult for older young men in rural areas to choose a spouse, and young women in rural areas are encouraged to stay in their hometowns" can be said to be a vivid manifestation of this problem. )

On the other hand, the high bride price in rural areas makes it difficult for some young people with lower incomes to pay. The superposition of these problems makes it difficult to get married in rural areas.

Change of concept

In fact, the change of concept has been mentioned above, and now it is further supplemented. With the changes of the times, the days of "two quilts can get married" have gone away from us, or it is the product of unique economic conditions and culture. It is useless to recall and cherish that memory now.

In the new generation of modern society, many people are in a relatively independent position on the economic level, enjoying the pleasure of being single-because of the wealth of material materials and spiritual entertainment products, their demand for marriage is not so high, or marriage is not a necessity for them, but happiness is (here we should distinguish between the demand for marriage and the demand for love, especially in this era of freedom of personality). The unaccompanied or lonely state that the elderly may face is difficult for them to understand directly, or it is meaningless.

On the other hand, we live in an era full of various ideas. Equality, liberalism, feminism, right consciousness, etc. There is a considerable market (this is just a brief list, not a compliment). These thoughts may also affect our views and attitudes towards marriage. We think about marriage in many ways, and even have a sense of anxiety and sensitivity.

Marriage and procreation

In a sense, the problem of marriage is somewhat similar to that of childbirth, but I don't want to talk about childbirth after marriage, but the influence of childbirth on marriage.

The decline in the number of marriages is related to the number of births in our generation. With the development of family planning, the birth growth rate of China's population has declined, and the decline in the number of marriage registrations is also related to it. Because the one-child policy lasts for a long time, the ideological accomplishment of the new generation is different from that of the previous generation. Many people are anxious about having children and raising them. I think this anxiety will affect their desire to get married.

Influenced by modern industrial society and its concept, the improvement of personal living ability and the pressure brought by the cost of marriage will affect the desire to get married. However, the countryside is facing the problem of difficult marriage, which needs to be solved urgently. Most people have different views on life, love and life from the previous generation. Under the influence of many factors, the number of marriage registrations has declined.

It is not entirely clear what the consequences of this problem will be. However, the problem of marriage and childbearing will inevitably have an impact on the economy, culture and all classes of the whole society. As for how to solve this problem, there are many obstacles and we can only explore it in practice.