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If all constellations can _ If all constellations

What's the use of constellations

What's the use of constellations

What's the use of constellations? We are all familiar with the starry sky. The name of the constellation probably comes from the sailors who sailed early. We can find any point in the celestial coordinate system in the modern constellation. So what's the use of constellations?

What's the use of constellations 1 Constellations are useless in people's actual life and production, but they have played an extremely important role in the popularization of astronomy. Constellation refers to the stars in the sky. Since ancient times, humans have associated the three or five stars with mythical figures or artifacts. The synthesis of these superstitions is called "constellation".

Constellations have long been regarded as an important symbol for sailors and travelers to distinguish their directions. With the development of science and technology, the role of constellations in direction identification has gradually weakened, but spacecraft still determine their position and course by identifying bright stars. For starry sky lovers, the identification of constellations is often the identification of bright stars.

The origin of constellations may be related to religion. People think that God lives in the sky, and they created constellations. Many cultures believe that the position of the stars is God's way of telling stories. Therefore, it seems natural to identify the patterns in the sky, name them and tell their stories. We inherited the name of the constellation from the Greeks. They named the constellations after mythical heroes and legends.

So there is a story behind every constellation. For example, for the ancient Greeks, Orion was a great hunter. He is the son of Neptune, so he named Orion after him. But the Egyptians thought that the same stars depicted Osiris. So every culture has its own explanation.

Constellations can also be applied to a practical field-agriculture. Before there is a suitable calendar, people can't decide when to sow and when to harvest without the help of stars. Constellations make the patterns of stars easy to remember.

The ancients knew that Orion began to appear completely, indicating the arrival of winter. In addition, they can know when summer or spring will come by observing the summer triangle. Stars enable farmers to prepare for agricultural planting in advance, while constellations make it easier for people to identify and explain the star patterns in the sky.

Constellations are also helpful for navigation. Once you find Ursa minor, it's easy to find Polaris. A person can know his latitude by observing the height of Polaris in the night sky. This provides convenient conditions for ships to sail around the world. It contributed to the discovery of America, the spread of European culture and the civilization we know today.

Today's constellations also have practical uses. They determine the way stars are named. When astronomers attend meetings, they like to share their research results with others. Usually they tell others what stars or objects they may be looking at. If they just give the coordinate parameters, others are unlikely to know the position of the stars in the sky at once.

But if you say the name of this star is alpha, then you know it is the brightest star in Taurus. Stars are named after their constellations (all the stars are in a certain constellation). From the brightest stars to the darkest stars, they are all named with Greek letters. For example, Betaris is the second brightest star in Orion (also called Betelgeuse).

What's the use of constellations? 2 1, ancient and civilized.

These civilized constellations have existed since ancient times and have been passed down to this day, which shows the great charm and innovation of the constellations. In addition, constellations are also related to many ancient legends, which are ancient Greece. When the constellation culture spread to ancient Greece, the ancient Greeks optimized it and shaped it into what it is now. When was the constellation introduced to China?

In fact, as early as when Alexander the Great conquered ancient India, the constellation culture had been introduced into China from India. So astronomical phenomena have been circulating in China for quite a long time. People will naturally think of the twelve constellations in December. People born in each period have their own constellations, and people in each constellation have their own characteristics and personality.

For example, the honest Taurus is from April 2 1 day to May 2 1 day. That has a lot to do with our lives. We can't observe the stars in the sky with astronomical telescopes every day, but we can observe the horoscope every day and listen to the suggestions of today's constellation masters.

This is not just a fortune, which constellation is suitable for love, which constellation is suitable for career and which constellation is suitable for cooperation. Of course, these are just a basis. Don't trust the horoscope completely, and don't rely entirely on it to find your other half. Don't change your views and attitudes towards others because of which horoscope the other person is.

Step 2 guide the direction

On a clear night, people can look up at the sky and see the stars scattered in the darkness. It seems like a random pattern, but some people use these patterns to tell stories-until today. Constellation is a group of stars in the sky with recognizable patterns. At present, there are 88 officially recognized constellations, some of which are named after mythical creatures. If you have ever seen your own constellations, some of them may sound familiar.

They are not just used to recall stories, but to explore. Ursa minor contains the North Star. Knowing the location of this star means knowing the location of the north, which is very important for traveling without the help of maps. At the same time, it can also judge your latitude by its height on the horizon.

3, can be named

Constellations can also be used to name or identify stars. Most stars are recorded and assigned a series of numbers. The asterisk can contain the name of the location where the constellation is located. Alpha Centauri (South Gate Binary Star) is the closest star to the Earth in Centauri.

Despite thousands of years, these constellations are still relatively stable. The stars are moving each other at an extremely fast speed, but the distance between them is so far. If you go back to ancient Greece, you may not find them different from the sky today. Looking up at the sky, the constellation is smiling.

Step 4 follow your own wishes

Heaven is like religion, and Feng Shui is like Feng Shui. You may be surprised that some people still believe this sentence, but there must be someone who believes this sentence, otherwise you wouldn't ask this sentence, would you? Today I want to share with you whether the constellation is credible or not. The personality and characteristics of each constellation have been investigated and counted at different levels. You said the constellations were unreliable, but these data appeared again. After all, they are all real data. If the constellation is completely credible, I won't believe it myself.

I just happened to be met by a client, so I believe in horoscopes. The main reason is that this happened to the client. If the parties have never met, they may think that the horoscope is nonsense. The star map is not credible. Personally, I still think the old saying goes well: believe, there will be; If you don't believe it, there won't be. It all depends on your own ideas.

What's the use of constellations? Every constellation has a different personality, so this is very important, especially the following three points.

1, a flexible Libra

I like to be lively, sociable, interesting, have many friends, understand others and don't like fighting. At the same time, I can understand others, think independently in a low-key way, and have the characteristics of two sides, and I don't fully understand why I am. I hope to have a bright, positive, brave and ambitious object.

Libra is an emotional intelligence person. People who can get along well and make you feel comfortable are generally smart. Libra, who can bend and stretch, is not to submit to humiliation, but to be big or small in nature. Libra gives the impression that it is easy to talk, but once it touches the bottom line, Libra will stick to it.

2. Pop Leo

There are noble qualities, fearless thoughts, sympathy and tolerance of kings, so many people envy them. Once you make up your mind to go your own way, you are not modest and have a clear personality, but you are too radical, sometimes lonely, and there is no one to comfort you when you encounter difficulties, so it is easy for you to lose morale. Leo people are sunny and enthusiastic, and get along well with Leo people. Don't worry about the ice, there will be all kinds of interesting things to tell you.

Leo is always fighting for money. For Leo, happiness is the most important thing. Leo doesn't want to fail. They like to use their own efforts to get everything they want and think they can do it. Leo people love face very much and are very particular about clothes. When they are with lions, they will feel that they know a lot.

3. Steady Virgo

Virgo people have empty thinking ability. I feel good about art, art and beauty, and I am always cautious. Planning your own bright future with your own physical strength, sensitive, and like to spend this kind of love in a civilized and disciplined society. When you are with Virgo, you are the most comfortable, you will not be willful, you will only try to say hello to each other, and even if you break up, you will not be disturbed. These are nothing to virgo people.

Virgos are also very open-minded. All of this has made it possible to contact your ex on your own initiative, which was never achieved in Virgo in the past. This kind of thing is really not Virgo style. Virgo is also very careful. Virgo has a soft heart and is good at taking care of people.