Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Whose native place is Zhou Enlai?

Whose native place is Zhou Enlai?

Zhou Enlai was born in Huaian, Shaoxing. But now many experts have put forward many new evidences to prove that Zhou Enlai was born in Shaoxing and Huai 'an, Jiangsu Province was the place where he grew up. This may be a historical mystery. According to the known information, Zhou Enlai devoted himself to the revolution and construction of China all his life, and the only time he returned to Shaoxing was from March 28th to March 3rd, 1939. At that time, Zhou Enlai came to Shaoxing as the Deputy Minister of the Political Department of the Military Commission of the National Government, promoting anti-Japanese and engaging in revolutionary activities. At the same time, accompanied by relatives, he visited the ancestral graves, filled in his and Deng's names on the genealogy, and left many inscriptions and photos, which fully showed his deep feelings for the people in his hometown. This very vivid and meaningful activity was exhibited in Zhou Enlai's Life Exhibition Hall. Among them, the small house on the left side of the courtyard in front of the Monument Pavilion was the place where Zhou Enlai 1939 once rested.

Zhou Enlai's ancestral home "Baisuitang" is located in today's Shaoxing Labor Road, formerly known as Baoyou Bridge, with a wooden bridge head. Browse Baziqiao block, Zhou Enlai's ancestral home is not far away. Go west along Changqiao Street, cross Zhongxing Road and walk into Laodong Road, and you will soon see Zhou Enlai's ancestral home. If you get off at Jiefang Road City Square Station by bus, you should first visit Zhou Enlai's ancestral home and then visit Baziqiao block.

The ancestral home is a brick house with the architectural style of Ming Dynasty, facing south. The five Chinese characters "ancestral home in Zhou Enlai" above the ancestral gate were inscribed by Comrade Chen Yun. The ancestral home was originally named "Sunset Hall" and later renamed "Hundred Years Old Hall" because there was a king who lived to be a hundred years old and was awarded a plaque by the Governor of Zhejiang Province. The ancestral home has been repaired several times, but the style and structure remain basically the same. Zhou Enlai's ancestors lived here until his grandfather moved to Huai 'an, Jiangsu Province to be an official.

Zhou Enlai's ancestral home is Sanjin, with patios between entrances and stone galleries on both sides. The overall structure is regular, the style is solemn and simple, and it has strong Shaoxing local characteristics. The century-old church has been damaged due to disrepair. After 1949, the government and the people repeatedly asked for repairs and rectification, but they were all dissuaded by Deng. After minor repairs in the late 1950s, this ancestral home was handed over to the state for use at the request of Zhou Enlai. In the 1980s, the local government completely renovated the centennial hall and basically restored its original appearance. 1998, to commemorate the birthday of Zhou Enlai100th anniversary, it was renovated, the Zhou Enlai Memorial Hall was expanded, and then the Zhou Enlai Memorial Square was established.