Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Guangzhou Foreign Languages School 20 1 1 Entrance Examination for Junior High School Freshmen

Guangzhou Foreign Languages School 20 1 1 Entrance Examination for Junior High School Freshmen

Guangzhou Foreign Language School 20 10—20 1 1 final exam for the second semester of the school year.

AP Chinese test questions

(Full score 100, test time 120 minutes)

I. Multiple choice questions (10x3=30 points)

1. The following statement about common sense in ancient literature is incorrect.

A. Laozi was a great thinker in ancient China and the founder of Taoist school. He advocated inaction, and his simple dialectical thought had a far-reaching impact on the development of China's philosophy.

B Zhuangzi's articles are rich in imagination, changeable in style, full of romanticism, humorous and satirical in the form of fables, which have a great influence on the literary language of later generations.

C. The Analects of Confucius is one of the classic works of Confucianism. It mainly records the words and deeds of Confucius and his disciples, and embodies Confucius' political opinions, ethical thoughts, moral concepts and educational principles.

D. Mencius, whose name is Yu Zi. He is the author of Mencius. Lu people in the Spring and Autumn Period. He inherited and carried forward Confucius' thought of good nature, and became a generation of Confucian masters second only to Confucius, and was also called "Confucius and Mencius" with Confucius.

2. The teacher asked each student to choose a novel and go on stage to express their reading experience after the school started. Excuse me, which of the following students' reports not only made the teacher shake his head, but also caused the whole class to burst into laughter?

A. The Analects of Confucius B. The Romance of the Three Kingdoms C. The Old Man and the Sea D. Shi Shuo Xin Yu

3. Hui Chan wrote a five-character quatrain contribution "Dongfeng Youth". It is known that the fee for writing is calculated on the basis of 5 yuan per word. How much can Hui Chan take?

100 Yuan1280 yuan, 200 yuan, 40 yuan

As far as you know about Confucius, you think his constellation should belong to.

A. Aries, who is competitive and eager to show. B. Taurus, indecisive and sentimental.

C. fair, caring and kind. D. Peach blossoms everywhere, romantic and elegant Sagittarius

5. China's ancient poems are arranged according to the time when they were produced. What is correct is that

A. The Book of Songs-Yuefu-Chu Ci-Qu Ci

C. The Book of Songs-Songs of the South-Yuefu-Qu D. The Book of Songs-Yuefu-Songs of the South-Qu

6. The poems quoted below all describe the seasonal scenery. If arranged in chronological order of spring, summer, autumn and winter, the correct options are:

A, the lotus leaf is infinitely bright, and the lotus flower reflects the sun in a different color. Second, I suddenly saw the strange willow color and regretted teaching my husband to find a seal.

Third, the phoenix tree is cold, long and sad. Ding and He didn't shelter from the rain, but there were still branches in the chrysanthemum.

A.b . b . c . d . d . b . c . d . b . a . b . c

7. Which of the following is most suitable for filling in the horizontal line?

"Dragon Dance" is a popular program of traditional festivals in China, such as the Spring Festival. . It can be said that "dragon" can be seen wherever the Chinese gather.

A Chinese children are all "descendants of dragons", and China people are called Tang people overseas.

B "Dragon" is the totem of the Chinese nation, and all Chinese sons and daughters are "descendants of the dragon".

C "Dragon" is the totem of the Chinese nation, and all Chinese sons and daughters are descendants of the Chinese people.

D people in China are all "descendants of dragons", and Emperor China called them "real dragons".

8. In the following paragraph, it is inappropriate to have an underlined word.

"Taking Guangzhou people to Nansha to see the sea" is a goal of Nansha tourism, and it is true that Nansha also has such strength. Everyone present is like a spring breeze, and their mood suddenly becomes clear. Looking at the west, Cangshan, covered with silver hair, is supported on the sea. Cangshan is like a screen and blue sea is like a mirror. It's amazing.'s like a spring breeze. B. suddenly enlightened. C.that's great. D. it's amazing

9. The following explanation of the famous works is incorrect.

A In Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Liu Bei, who lost his wife and soldiers, devoted himself to Zhuge Liang until he died.

B Battle of Red Cliffs, the two major battles in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, is one of the famous wars in the history of China. The battle of Guandu is a strategic decisive battle to lay the foundation for Cao Cao's unification of the north.

C. The Romance of the Three Kingdoms takes the process of the establishment and demise of the Shu-Han regime as the main line to unfold the plot, showing the complicated political and military struggles within the court, between ruling groups and between different forces within the same group, and reappearing the turbulent reality in the Three Kingdoms period.

D In Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Cao Cao is an adulterer. His life creed is "I would rather teach the world to betray me than the world to betray me". He is a political careerist and a schemer. This should not be confused with the real Cao Cao in history.

10, which was evaluated by Guo Moruo as a book "writing ghosts and writing demons is superior, stabbing greed and stabbing abuse".

A. Journey to the West B. Seeking God C. Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio D. A Dream of Red Mansions

Second, reading (18 points)

Read the following story and complete the following questions.

working methods

On the way to the H Town Police Station, I was still relishing the words of Deputy Director Hu of the County Public Security Bureau:

"H Town is the largest town in our county, with a large population, complicated situation and high crime rate. Comrade Jia Yong, director of the town police station, has done an excellent job and cracked many major cases. You should learn from him with an open mind, test all the skills you learned in the police academy in practice, and strive for early independence.

The meeting with Jia Yong disappointed Wang Xiaobing: short, round legs, big mouth and triangular eyes-unlike the rumored police chief.

"All that glitters is not gold." Wang Xiaobing secretly said to himself.

Director Jia handed over the work of guarding the telephone. And repeatedly told him not to make his own decisions and to ask for instructions.

Wang Xiaobing just went to work, and a quick ringing of the telephone urged Wang Xiaobing to pick up the phone: "Hello! Who are you? "

"The police station? I'm Wang Xifan from Lindong Village. Ma Erleng and Zhang Yimou quarreled because of the water, and each side gathered a dozen people. It seems that they are going to start work. We have no choice. Would you please come over? "

"good! We'll send someone right away. "

"What is it?" Just walked into the office, director Jia asked majestically.

After listening to the report, Director Jia frowned: "This Ma Erleng family has a large population and often makes trouble in the village. It's time to treat him. You tell Wang Xifan, secretary of the township party committee, to let him defend himself. We have something important here, so we can't send anyone for the time being. I told you not to make your own decisions, so why didn't you listen! "

Something important? A room full of people chatting and reading newspapers, and a few people smiling mysteriously at Wang Xiaobing-what's so important?

"stare blankly? Call quickly! " Director Jia is unhappy.

Twenty minutes later, the phone rang again:

"The police station? I'm Wang Xifan. Ma Erleng and his men have fought fiercely with Yi Cheung, and we can't pull them away. Please send someone quickly! "

"This ..." Wang Xiaobing took the microphone and looked at Director Jia distressfully.

"Where are you calling from?"

"Lindong Village, please send someone at once!"

Director Jia put down the newspaper and answered the phone: "I said, Lao Wang, can you give me less trouble?" I'm busy with important things here, so I can't send anyone! Are all the defense team members in your village free? Solve it yourself first! "

10 minutes later, the phone rang again.

"The police station? Ma Erleng stabbed Zhang Yimou with a knife! Blood spilled all over the floor. Please send someone at once! "

"Wang Xiaobing, immediately notify the hospital to go to Lindong Village to rescue the wounded!"

Director Jia's eyes lit up and shouted, "The rest of the staff will leave with me immediately to catch the murderer!" The murderer escaped, and director Jia captured him in 18 hours.

This year, H Town Police Station was awarded the title of "Top Ten Police Stations" in the county, Jia Yong was awarded the honorary title of "People's Satisfaction Police" and Wang Xiaobing was awarded the title of "Advanced Worker" in the county.

In the face of honor, Wang Xiaobing's heart is very heavy.

1 1.① There are many "important things" in the article. Please contact the following article to explain the purpose of Jia's emphasis on "important things"

(2) Jia Yong, director of the police station, was "flashing eyes" after hearing about the bloody case. Why? (4 points)

12. At the beginning of the novel, Jia Yong, the director of the police station, was told that he was "doing a good job". What is the function of this writing? Please summarize the main points of Jia Yong's working methods. (6 points)

13. Novel appreciation (5 points) The following two items are incorrect ().

The description of director Jia's ugly appearance at the beginning of the novel implies that his soul is even uglier.

B "In the face of honor, Wang Xiaobing's heart is very heavy" because Wang Xiaobing feels guilty.

C. Director Jia, the protagonist of the novel, is smart and resourceful, both wise and brave, which not only harms people but also wins glory for H Town.

D this article satirizes the bureaucratic deception that ignores human life, deceives the upper and deceives the lower, and ignores the people.

E. this article is good at developing plots in psychological description and language description, paving the way at different levels, and writing simple stories is very turbulent. The ending is meaningful and thought-provoking.

Three. Expression and communication (12)

14, Mr. Yu Guangzhong said: A square character is a world, and beautiful China people are not old. The formation of many Chinese characters can interpret meaning and stimulate association. Please spell Chinese characters according to examples and describe them in literary language. The requirement is: use at least one rhetorical method. (8 points)

Example 1 ink: The base nourishes a black spirit, dancing on the quaint rice paper.

Exodus 2 Hong: The solitary bird wandering by the river, every whine is telling the wanderer's heart.

(1) Dust: (2) Shu:

15, imitate the underlined sentence, and continue to write a sentence to express your feelings of missing your hometown or relatives. (4 points)

China's classical poems are rich in connotation, which can arouse people's association and imagination. "At sunrise, the flowers in the river are redder than the fire. In spring, the river is as green as blue." Who is not tempted by the beauty of the earth in spring?

Four, composition questions (40 points)

For many people, home is not only a resting place for the body, but also a refuge for the soul. Every day and even our whole lives, we are constantly building a story of one day and even our whole lives in the process of leaving home and returning home. After leaving home, most people can't help but yearn for going home, but some people regard going home as a road of fear and even become homeless. Going home often means different things to everyone. Try to write a well-structured article on the topic of "going home". Narration, lyricism and discussion are indispensable, and there is no limit to the length.