Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - At 600 kilometers per second, the earth is crossing the universe at a super-fast speed, and we don't know it?

At 600 kilometers per second, the earth is crossing the universe at a super-fast speed, and we don't know it?

People who live in this world exercise every day. In the morning, a sea of people. At noon, diners are running around in the street. At night, tired people light thousands of lights. A person's life is spent in constant exercise. In our cognition, the earth is static and silent, but in fact the earth moves much faster than human beings.

There is a saying that the earth keeps turning without people, which means that the rotation of the earth has nothing to do with people, and the earth has been rotating rapidly. In our ignorance, the earth is crossing the universe at a speed of 600 km/s, so why can't we feel the rotation of the earth? Why is it rotating at a speed of 600 km/s?

Heliocentrism and Kepler's Law

The sun rises and sets in the west, and the four seasons change in the morning and evening, with 12 hours a day. These are all well-known phenomena, but it is difficult for a group of people to ask why. So what caused all this? The answer is the revolution and rotation of the earth. The earth revolves around the sun for 365 days, and the rotation of the earth relative to the sun is 1 day for 24 hours. This concept is common sense known to all in the 20th century, but no one knows that this common sense was acquired by our ancestors with blood and fearless persistence.

To know this common sense, we must first correctly understand the position of the earth in the solar system and that the earth is not static. However, it took 1500 years to let the relevant intellectuals know whether the earth is the center of the universe, and it was not until the end of the 20th century that the goal of popularizing most ordinary people was completed. Among them, the biggest difficulty is the bondage of geocentric theory and the oppression of religion.

In distant ancient times, science and technology seriously restricted the ancients' observation of the starry sky, and they could only know and understand the starry sky with the naked eye. Without the help of science, people unconsciously bring a theological color to the vast and unpredictable starry sky, and naturally form a world-centered or creationist idea. In this context, geocentric theory was born. It is born with a theological flavor. The ancient Greeks believed that only the eternal and sacred celestial body could be in the center, allowing other celestial bodies to move around it in a unified circle, and thus the sacred creation of mankind-the earth was born. Nature is the noblest and brightest among the stars, and the geocentric theory that lasted for thousands of years was born.

Geocentric theory was developed and perfected by Ptolemy, a Greek philosopher who believed in the gods. However, because the earth is the central argument of the universe, it has become a powerful tool for the Christian church to preach God, and it has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people under the brainwashing of the church. Therefore, only after Heliocentrism of Copernicus appeared in the16th century, those pioneers who promoted change would be poisoned by the church. 1592, Bruno, a scholar who developed and improved Heliocentrism, was heretical by the church and burned to death in the Rome Flower Square. 1633, Galileo, a famous scholar, was sentenced to 8 years' imprisonment by the church for preaching Heliocentrism, and died one year after he was released from prison. Heliocentrism, in the long-term debate and questioning, spread more and more widely, and finally replaced the geocentric theory.

In Heliocentrism's "battle" to replace geocentric theory, there are two magic weapons to help him defeat geocentric theory, astronomical telescope and Kepler's law. Astronomical telescopes allow astronomers to visually see celestial bodies hundreds of thousands of meters away. Kepler's law makes people understand the process of planetary motion. At the same time, the geocentric theory has been completely overthrown, and people know that the earth is not static, but always rotates around its own axis and around the sun.

The earth revolves around the sun, that is, it moves in a circular motion around the sun, so the centripetal force of circular motion is the attraction of the sun to the earth. So the formula of revolution speed is V= GM/r, (G is gravity, M is the mass of the sun, R is too far from the earth), the rotation speed of the earth is 465m/s, and the revolution speed of the earth is 29.8 km/s. ..

The earth travels through the universe at high speed every minute.

29.8km/s, converted into 107000 km/h, the fastest plane on earth is only 10 1260 km/h, which is nearly ten times faster. But this speed is not the maximum speed of the earth's rotation. In fact, our earth is crossing the universe at a speed of 600 kilometers per second. So how did this speed come from? This will talk about a problem, the choice of frame of reference.

When we move, the speed is relative to the stationary ground. For example, the speed of a car relative to the stationary ground is 40 km/h. Compared with moving people, the speed of the car is 5 km/h, and compared with people, the speed of the car is only 35 km/h. This is because of different reference systems. Therefore, the speed of the earth's revolution around the sun is 29.8 km/s, which does not mean that the revolution speed of the earth will always be 29.8 km/s.

The universe is infinite, and the vast solar system in our cognition is just a drop in the ocean of stars. Outside the solar system, there are other star systems, such as the Milky Way and extragalactic galaxies. The Milky Way is a pie galaxy with a big middle and small sides, with a diameter of about 654.38+ million light years. The solar system is just a small galaxy in Orion's spiral arm. The solar system is 26,400 light years away from the center of the Milky Way, and it takes 220 million years for the earth to circle the Milky Way, which is 250 kilometers per second. What is the concept of speed of 250 kilometers per second? The distance between the earth and the moon is 384,400 kilometers, and it takes only 26 minutes for the earth to reach the moon in less than half an hour. That is, eating kung fu, he ran from the earth to the moon.

However, 250 kilometers per second is less than our limit speed. We think that the boundless and insurmountable Milky Way is actually only a part of another super galaxy, and this super galaxy is virgo supercluster. Virgo supercluster belongs to Virgo, which is similar in shape to an omelet and about 1. 1 100 million light years in diameter. Millions of galaxy clusters, including the Milky Way, revolve around virgo supercluster. The local cluster of galaxies where the Earth is located is just an obscure point on the edge of virgo supercluster. The distance between the earth and the center of supercluster is 60 million light years. With virgo supercluster as the center, the revolution speed of the earth reaches an ultra-high speed of 600 kilometers per second. At this speed, it doesn't take half an hour to fly, but it takes 10 minutes to fly from the earth to the moon, so it takes only a few days to fly out of the solar system.

However, the speed of 600 kilometers per second is not our limit. There is still a vast space waiting for us to explore outside the Virgo supercluster. How vast the universe is, even if it takes a lifetime to get a glimpse. However, with the development of science and technology, our understanding of the universe will gradually expand, and perhaps in a certain era, the maximum speed of the earth will change by leaps and bounds.

However, even though the earth runs at a speed of 600 kilometers per second, those of us who live in it suddenly don't feel it. What's going on here?

Different frames of reference make it impossible for us to perceive the movement of the earth.

The answer is still the frame of reference. Because living in our life, we perceive the state of motion with organs such as vision, touch and hearing, but we don't perceive the movement of the ground in the movement of the earth, so we can't perceive the movement of the earth. This is because people are too young. Compared with galaxies light years away, the mass of people is too small, and the force between galaxies is transmitted to people as if it does not exist, so people can't perceive the high-speed movement of the earth.

Therefore, even if the earth under our feet is crossing the universe at a high speed of hundreds of kilometers per second, we can't perceive it, just as ants can't perceive human movements.