Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - "You fly to your mountain like a bird"-Tara Westford

"You fly to your mountain like a bird"-Tara Westford

This should be a best seller of 202 1, but I really finished reading this book.

This book is also quite interesting. The whole story is a narrative style, and it feels obvious.

It is more about a person's growth in the acoustic family, and this growth and the surrounding environment have formed their own world view. Sitting describes such a scene.

This paper uses more memoirs to tell the growth experience of the protagonist Tara.

In fact, each of us can't live without the influence of the original family and will always be bound by family of origin.

This book sums up a particularly thought-provoking sentence: you can love someone, but you still choose to say goodbye to him. You can miss someone every day, but still be glad that he is not in your life. "

This sentence should also be the author's summary of finding the meaning of life after the protagonist Tara finally escaped from family of origin.

Back to our real environment: is it possible for us to get rid of the shackles of our own family? The answer is: yes.

Moreover, this process is relatively difficult and requires strong perseverance and a lot of iterations to escape.

Tara in this paper is finally realized through education.

It is also necessary for us to be educated at home today. Many times, we gradually realize the freedom that some people yearn for through education.

What we usually call education is reading: we divide education into compulsory education, quality education and higher education.

Often, the more education you receive, the more you can escape from your original family.

Especially in the last higher education, many people who left their hometown to work in other places after graduating from high school did not stay in their hometown, and some people gradually left their hometown and even their parents through higher education in universities and started their own families outside!

This is essentially a path dependence to escape from family of origin.

To get rid of the shackles of family background, people often need to have more confidence in themselves and constantly live independently.

The past time is important, but the future days are more worth your efforts.

Just like the title of this book, you feel that escaping from family of origin is like a bird flying to a mountain. The important thing is that you have the courage to climb the mountain.

Flying over this mountain, the sky will be wider!

The depiction of this scene is too much like what I have been trying to do in recent years. I believe that one day I can escape the shackles of some families.

Just like I work hard in the workplace, I spend a lot of time reading and doing things that will make me better in my spare time.

That is, one day, I can be particularly independent, not influenced by my family background, and I can boldly go my own life and life path.

I think what is closest to me should be my own feelings. For so many years, I went to see girls alone, and I didn't ask my parents for advice when I fell in love, including thinking about getting married one day and entering the marriage stage. I think I should also make my own decisions independently.

Living independently and not living with parents in the future is an effort to get rid of the bondage of family background for most ordinary people in China today!

This should also be some of the reasons why this book is so popular and has so many resonances!

What the article says: rebellion, betrayal and transformation are all collectively called education.

Come to think of it carefully, every time we grow, change and progress, we have to be educated.

A person's life is a process of constantly pursuing external bondage and inner desire for freedom.

Everyone who flies to the mountain like a bird and escapes from the bondage of his family will fly there even if it is small, because there will be a wider sky when flying there.