Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - If someone can help me calculate my rising constellation, I am very grateful! ! Birthday July 12 time 23: 15 I am a cancer.

If someone can help me calculate my rising constellation, I am very grateful! ! Birthday July 12 time 23: 15 I am a cancer.

Your ascent is in Aries.

Your personality mask

The rising constellation is the first constellation that rises at the junction of the eastern horizon and the ecliptic when you were born. The rising constellation is our external performance, and you are perceived by the outside world. So the way you express yourself can also be known from the rising constellation. Usually, a person's sun and rising constellation are different, which is why we call the rising constellation our "personality mask". Most of the time, our sun is hidden behind the rising constellation. Ascending constellation dominates a person's main personality characteristics, innate personality and first impression. The rising constellation reveals not only our speech and behavior patterns, but also our clothes, hairstyles, appearances and so on.


The rising constellation is Aries, an ambitious competitor.

1. Decisive action and strong desire to win.

2. Perfectionism tendency, too impulsive.


The first impression of this rising constellation is like a lone ranger who comes and goes freely. Aries always shows enthusiasm, vitality and creativity in front of people, but she is used to hiding her weaknesses in front of others and is nervous, just like a soldier, demanding that she not show cowardice in front of the enemy. How to become a brave person, take off this tenacious mask in time and become her true self is the focus of Aries life.

Your sun is in Cancer.

Sun)-Outlook on life and personality

Usually people ask: What sign are you? Your answer is your sun sign. The sun shapes a person's character and soul.


The sun is in Cancer-a model companion who pays attention to family.

1. Careful, good at housekeeping, filial piety, and attach importance to family.

2. Feelings are delicate and changeable, escaping from reality.


Compared with other zodiac signs, the difference between active and passive cancer is the most obvious. Positive people are strong-willed, have strong endurance, and have seawater-like corrosive power to everything, which seems to be gradually corroding everything. They are skilled in life and like activities. Usually these people can keep up with the trend of the times and are interested in popular things.

Secondly, the negative cancer, "no new words, carefree" is the best explanation for this type. You are easy to be content, listless and lazy. And I don't expect to motivate myself, and I don't want to make any necessary efforts for success. No matter how the environment changes, I don't change myself easily and cling to what I already have.

These two kinds of people are formed because the environment is related to early cultivation and enlightenment. Cancer people usually attach great importance to their families and mothers.

After you have mastered everything around you, use your ability to imitate and turn it into a new expression. It is extremely active in this respect, but not physically.

Temperament is characterized by leisure and complacency, while love takes a loyal attitude; Combining the characteristics of the two will produce a happy marriage relationship. You are sensitive and feel sorry for other people's malicious criticism. If you can't do what you want, you will often feel sad; If this happens frequently, it may turn into willfulness and irritability.

Nostalgia and sentimentality are both part of Cancer's personality. Because you like to collect things belonging to the past and have a sense of attachment to history or past events, your knowledge in this field may be richer than that of the average person. Unless the sun is out of phase, you usually have an amazing memory

Your interests tend to be family style. If you are a woman, you will be a dutiful housewife and an enthusiastic mother; Men, on the other hand, like to treat the other half as their mother, and are interested in the things in the kitchen, which may lead to partial eclipse. Some people even have the habit of drinking.

Your feelings are deep and rich, and you are easily influenced by changes in your surrounding environment. Besides, you like acting and watching movies. More specifically, you may be addicted to TV and ignore others.

In astrology, cancer controls the lower part of the stomach, chest and lungs. If it is out of phase, it may cause ulcers or diseases of digestive organs.

Your moon is in Leo.

Moon)-Emotion, relationship with women, food taste.

The moon represents your personal feelings and the influence of childhood on you. The moon affects your relationship with your mother and woman, and also shows your preference for "eating".


The Moon is in Leo-the lucky one who likes to be noticed.

1. I am very proud emotionally. I like others to be Nuo Nuo, and I need romance and love in my life.

2. I am loyal to my friends, have a cheerful and optimistic spirit of progress, like to be self-centered in everything and have a stubborn tendency.


Driven by this moon constellation, many changes are exaggerated and unimaginable. When the moon is in Leo, people seem to be reborn, sometimes acting like a child, enthusiastic, interesting and energetic, and need others' attention very much. Leo people are funny and easy to immerse themselves in their own world. Sometimes the entertainment part will go far beyond other things in life. When the moon passes through Leo, entertainment places, cafes, theaters, dances and noisy cocktail parties will be as attractive as festivals. When entertaining good friends, Leo's moon is often very well prepared and generous, which makes people feel very happy, as if immersed in a very gorgeous environment. When the moon passes through Leo, people tend to show vitality and life is full of fun. Even better, it often brings some good luck and chances of winning. However, the performance of Leo Moon is usually direct, intense and strong, and sometimes even overbearing and dictatorial. I hope that others can act in the way he wants, and even hope that others will please him. When he is not noticed, it often causes an emotional rebound. It seems that the only thing that can appease him is to pay more attention to him. Leo is often immersed in other people's pursuit, kissing and his own romance, and sometimes he can't help showing off these things to others. It is very special that when the moon passes through Leo, people are full of warmth and happiness in spirit, which is very suitable for pursuing love.

Your mercury is in Leo.

Values, expression and communication

Mercury represents your way of thinking and expressing. You don't think the problem is water leakage; Still full of flaws. Good at carving details; Still good at grasping the whole. Attach importance to empirical judgment; Still attach importance to rational judgment. Sharp words, to the point; It's still confusing. Everyone wants to see mercury.


Mercury is in Leo-an admirer of authority

1. Very confident, but prone to arrogance, advocating authority, trying to become an authority figure.

2. Willpower and endurance are first-class, but it is easy to ignore details, and always express loyalty to friends in your favorite way.


You are enthusiastic, straightforward, brave to express yourself for the leader, and like lively parties, which has become the focus of attention. Because you love drama, you are often free in your spare time. You also love political activities, and your position is absolutely clear. But you are not good at communication and coordination, and you hate trivial things. If someone disagrees with you, it's easy to ignite your anger.

Your Venus is in Virgo.

Venus)-Aesthetics, love and men's appreciation of the opposite sex

Venus represents your aesthetic view and love view. In other words, what kind of state do you think is the most comfortable and happy, whether you like gorgeous and complicated, simple and simple, and so on. It's all about Venus. What kind of girls do boys like? They usually look at Venus.


Venus is in Virgo-a picky lover who demands perfection.

1. Demands a lot from the other half and pays too much attention to details.

2. It requires absolute neatness, so there is less creativity.


Venus in Virgo is very strict about the quality of life, including whether such a life is healthy, imperfect and so on. Their eyes seem to be able to see a speck of dust clearly, and then the influence of a planet in astrology is influenced by its constellation position, and each planet has another way of promotion besides playing a powerful role on the planet it guards. However, opposite the promotion position, it will be the position where the planet's influence is weak. For Venus, it guards Taurus and Libra, and then rises in Pisces, while the opposite Pisces will exert a poor influence in Aries, Scorpio and Virgo. Virgo's strict picky makes the beauty of Venus difficult to express, so lovers in this position are a little clumsy when they first get along. If he has a slightly romantic moon, he may get better gradually. The type of girl suitable for virgin Venus is like an advertisement for a credit card. Serious women are the most beautiful. She doesn't have to have a good appearance, but she often needs a heart to take things seriously.

Your Mars is in Leo.

Mars)-mobility, sex and women's appreciation of the opposite sex

Whether you are high-spirited or procrastinating, whether you are impatient or slow, whether you attack or suffer in bed, whether you are skilled or talented depends on this. What kind of boys do girls like? They usually watch Mars.


Mars in Leo-a confident temperament

1. Responsible for due diligence and honor, impulsive and irritable.

2. Strong desire to express, men are prone to baldness.


People with Mars in Leo know exactly what they should do, but the disadvantage is that they only know what they want to do and tend to ignore the thoughts of their lovers and others. People in this position on Mars are easy to take the initiative and like to be led by their noses during sex. The whole process is full of joy and enthusiasm. They pay attention to their own performance all the time, but it will be more exciting if the other party can indulge in their own efforts. Mars the lion has a bad temper and no patience. He often loses his temper. As soon as the other party said they were going to break up, they beat their chests and feet and swore. If he is too impulsive, it may hurt people or it may be too heavy. Therefore, he still has to be careful when breaking up.

Your Jupiter is in Leo.

Jupiter)-growth, expansion, luck

Jupiter has the positive attributes of prosperity, growth, expansion and expansion. Jupiter is the most auspicious star, and everything goes well with Jupiter. Jupiter is indispensable for promotion, making a fortune, winning prizes and taking exams. Jupiter also affects a person's moral standards, philosophy of life, and the goals he pursues in his life.


Jupiter is in Leo-a warm and authoritative mentor.

1. It attaches great importance to procedure and appearance, so it likes grand scenes and is easy to be extravagant.

2. He is the leader of a group, but because of his self-confidence, advocating authority and often maintaining a lofty posture, he is easy to be willful.


You are born lucky, popular, easy to get performance opportunities, and you are a heartthrob. It is difficult to refuse to be a public figure. Full of creativity, generosity and enthusiasm, with bright and confident charm, you can become an influential leader in any field of work. If you are ambitious, be careful that you are too complacent and extravagant.

Your Saturn is in Aquarius.

Saturn)-testing, responsibility

Saturn can find a career that suits you, and it also shows the challenges you will face and what you will learn from it. For example, when you fail in a certain field of work, will you choose to quit? Or choose where to fall and where to stand up? It's all problems reflected by Saturn.


Saturn is in Aquarius-a calm and rational wise man.

1. Have a stable concentration at work and are willing to exchange their efforts for status and reputation.

2. Strong intuition, easy to save the day, attach importance to friends, and can accumulate extensive contacts for a long time.


Saturn adds stability and concentration to the wisdom of Aquarius, enabling you to realize your ideas and creativity. You have performed in practical science, music, science, electronics, computers and politics. You will become a leader in a group organization, and you, who is in charge of humanitarianism and altruism, will certainly not shirk it. This is your gift and responsibility.

Your Northern Cross is in Capricorn.

Northern communication (node)-the direction of development in this life

The "north intersection" is also called the "dragon head" and China called it "Luo Hou", which is the intersection of the ecliptic and the moon's orbit around the earth. Represents the point of gaining and increasing confidence in expansion, which is an area that you must strive for or compete for. The "north intersection" appears in the house of the astrolabe, which is an area that you should strive to achieve. In reincarnation astrology, the north intersection also represents the direction that individuals should strive to develop in this life.


The northern constellation is Capricorn-the road to life to build a beautiful career and struggle with it in society.

Do you feel that there is a goal or destiny calling you? This is your natural career ambition, which drives you to become an authority in your field.


Psychological adjustment direction 1: From the fragile heart of Cancer to the strong maturity of Capricorn.

The second direction of psychological adjustment: from the emotional concern of cancer to the mastery of Capricorn's fate.

Your task in this life is to hone your work ability and experience with strict self-discipline and perseverance, so as to gain everyone's recognition, realize your career goals, and establish your dignity, responsibility and leadership authority in a down-to-earth manner.

But at the subconscious level, you may be influenced by the negative characteristics of the former Cancer, and tend to be overly nostalgic and emotionally naive, so you can't get rid of the emotional persistence of relying on others, or even refuse to face up to the overall situation of reality on the grounds of emotional injury, and escape the heavy responsibility of self-independence and development.

Therefore, you need to psychologically break away from the state of meeting the needs of your inner children, and give up the habit of moderately reminiscing about past emotional memories, so as to establish self-independent inner strength and self-care stability, and establish a sense of responsibility for developing social achievements.

Your sun is in house 04.

House 04: home life, security, real estate


The sun is in the fourth house and attaches great importance to building a safe family; You are very proud of your family tradition, and you are usually very temperamental. You want your family to be an artistic and aesthetic arrangement and show a feeling of wealth. Of course, the degree of presentation depends on your wealth and social class. The primary goal of your life is to constantly strive for the upper reaches, continue to the end of your life, and maintain and promote safety. You will show a strong interest in land, houses, ecology, natural resources and so on. If the sun is in the fourth house and its phase is not good, it will be too arrogant, unable to get along with parents, and easy to have the desire to control family affairs. In fact, people in this position usually want to be the master of the family or have their own finances.

Your moon is in house 05.

Palace 05: creativity, entertainment, love, children


People with the moon in the fifth house will be affected by emotions. Your mood is quite changeable, you have an unstable soul, you are emotionally dependent and eager for a romantic life partner. But on the negative side, you may have an affair. If you are a water sign (Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces), it means that you will have many children.

If the moon is out of phase, emotional impulse will often make you take some very risky speculative measures when gambling and stock trading.

Your mercury is in the fifth house.

Palace 05: creativity, entertainment, love, children


People in the fifth house of Mercury are quite interested in art and creation, which is why there are many famous screenwriters, art critics and writers among them. All kinds of arts, whether classical, modern or literary, can attract your attention. You can express yourself in a unique and powerful way through speech and writing, hoping that others can worship you. Some brain games, such as chess and cards, can attract your interest, so you are especially suitable for stock analysis and investment.

You will care about your child's grades and be proud of it. Because you are interested in education, you may also be an educator. Your lover must be a wise person who can inspire and stimulate you mentally.

If your mercury is out of phase, then? You may have unwise guesses or clever deception. Mercury in the fifth house will also look at their own affairs with a calm mind.

Your Venus is in house 06.

The sixth house: personal responsibility, health and social services


People with Venus in the sixth house tend to establish social and love through work, which is usually related to art and social activities. A typical case is that you love your job and can establish a balanced and friendly relationship with colleagues, employees and employers. I like a job with harmonious atmosphere and beautiful environment. People with Venus in this position usually marry people they come into contact with at work.

You like to wear beautiful clothes, and you have a gift for clothing and design. Besides, you love small animals very much.

In good health, but not very strong. Health will improve after marriage.

Your Mars is in house 06.

The sixth house: personal responsibility, health and social services


Mars in the sixth house represents the vitality of work, which usually involves keen instruments or machinery, consuming and generating huge energy, so you can be suitable for machinery, engines and engineers. Surgeons and drug-related people also have this Mars position, even including preparing the table layout and clothing manufacturers.

You are a hard-working and energetic person, and you have no patience with lazy people. You will show your skills and accuracy in your work, and your self-esteem comes from the effectiveness of your work.

Just as Mars rises in Capricorn, this house represents the boss. Mars, in the sixth house, will work in well-organized and efficient business organizations and gain a sense of security and achievement.

If Mars is in a bad phase here, it may lead to poor health, trauma or bad temper due to overwork or work accidents. In addition, it may also involve labor disputes and conflict with workers, employers and employees. Sometimes he tends to be perfectionist, because he cares too much about the details of his work and ignores the key points.

Your Jupiter is in house 05.

Palace 05: creativity, entertainment, love, children


Jupiter's people in the fifth house are very creative in art, education and sports. Because you like children very much, you become an early childhood educator, and your descendants are usually successful and different. You usually devote yourself to business investment, education, art or entertainment. You can bring people romantic happiness, but don't be too complacent and lose money.

Your Saturn is in 1 1 house.

Palace 1 1: group, friendship, individual spirit and cultural activities.


Saturn's people in the eleventh house try their best to meet important and influential people as a means to improve their social status. If they are out of phase, they will use each other to achieve their goals. If they are in a good stage, they will exchange good opinions with their friends, so that they can increase their intelligence and help each other develop. You will treat everyone equally, you can get considerable benefits from groups or organizations, and you like to establish friendship with older professionals.

Saturn retrograde:

Self-cultivation, the pursuit of perfection, more introverted achievements, life will focus on solving the unfinished work in the last life, in order to pursue the perfection of backward leaders, he is a very self-blaming person. It is easy to conflict with father and authority figures in responsibility and power. Although they are eager to pursue social achievements and fame, they find it vulgar. Therefore, while they are working hard, they also feel unsafe and difficult. Special attention should be paid to re-operating the energy of past lives to achieve perfection.

Your heavenly king is located in 10 palace.

Palace 10: reputation, career achievement and social responsibility


No matter what career Uranus chooses in the tenth house, he is a reformer in theory and practice. You are very radical, like to play the devil's advocate with the upper class, and have strong willpower. You are ambitious about what you want to do, but your position and destiny suddenly change. A sudden rise in status may be an unfortunate omen. This kind of person who longs for freedom of work had better plan his career and find his own way.

Tianwang retrograde:

Freedom and independence have a strong need to pursue the truth, no matter what the conditions are, and this pursuit will lead to inner self-liberation, and his position will also show how he controls others. This man's thoughts are often beyond his time, and the pursuit of truth and freedom is the driving force for continuous progress.

Your Neptune is in 10 house.

Palace 10: reputation, career achievement and social responsibility


People in Neptune's tenth house have the potential to become leaders, mainly on the spiritual level. Your career is usually unusual. You will face success and failure alone, but you will face it with a bright and frank attitude. Your work must be done in secret, without interference from people behind the scenes, which will greatly increase your chances of success.

Neptune retrograde:

Have spiritual idealism and tend to develop internally. Intuition, dreams and hallucinations. These advantages are easy to show when you are young in this life, but you should pay attention to peace and harmony, realism and structure in order to show your talents concretely. It is easy to expand interpersonal relationships, but we should also avoid sacrifice, dependence and self-deception.

Your guardian is in room 08.

House 08: Husband and wife share property or resources, sex, death and rebirth.


People in Pluto's eighth house have strong willpower. They have extreme polarization between life and death. Life is extremely serious for you. You only care about the most important things, and you are impatient with other trifles. So it is easy for you to fall into a sense of life and death crisis, which leads you to completely change the past. In every great change, you will have great courage to challenge the difficulties, and all the secrets will be carried out until the moment of completion.

Hades retrograde:

More than half of human Pluto is retrograde. Pluto represents the power of transformation, that is, inward transformation, which is beyond the control of ordinary people, including anger, self-criticism and negative self-destruction. If used properly, it can prove that great internal changes, including spiritual improvement, can bring new life.

Your northern suburb is located in 10 Palace.

Palace 10: reputation, career achievement and social responsibility


In the tenth house, the intersection of the North and the North brings the need to know how to shoulder the responsibility of this life, to have the strength to carry it out, to remove the difficulties that may appear on the road to success, and to fear and doubt with its obstacles. You must also learn to constantly protect yourself, defend yourself, and ensure that you are on the defensive to solve the difficulties you encounter. After years of struggle, you can show your true potential. Don't be afraid of the baptism of age, you can also gain wisdom from it. The homework you have to face is a social phenomenon. You must be able to show your influence, but you will also encounter some severe criticism, but on the other hand, you will gain fame and trust from others. When the south intersection is in the fourth house, this.