Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Missing theme composition

Missing theme composition

No matter in school or in society, everyone has the experience of writing a composition and is familiar with it. According to the different writing time limit, composition can be divided into limited composition and unlimited composition. Still at a loss for composition? The following is a compilation of 9 essays on the topic of missing. Welcome to share.

Missing composition 1 Simple tea and rough rice are fun. Only missing is like water, bitter.

-Star love

The smoke from home rises like a mother's hand waving, telling us to go home. A table of dishes, though not delicious, has its own flavor. Laughing and laughing, it is sunrise, sunset and rest, accompanied by my mother. Although the days are not beautiful, they are also sweet. Because there is family around, those tiredness and troubles disappear instantly.

The noise of cars in the street is endless, invading our ears like needles and stinging us. A table of delicacies can be described as delicacies, but it is not as delicious as my mother's. Why? Sitting in the office, typing and correcting documents is very relaxing, but there is no fun in farm work. Why? Everything is because I am far away from my hometown, have no relatives, have no reason, and have no family to accompany me. Everything is bitter.

Wanderers in other places, in sunny days, miss their mother's smile, as bright as sunshine; Think of mother's wrinkles on cloudy days; Wrinkles touched by years; On snowy days, I miss my mother's hands covered with cocoons and those dexterous hands that weave warm cotton-padded jackets. ...

Success, sitting in the car, driving into the path of my hometown, tears soaked my skirt, and my hometown remained the same. However, the small tree became a big tree, the grass grew so high, the muddy path became a spacious cement road ... I couldn't wait to enter the house, and my old mother was greeted in front. She is still so kind, but the years have left a deep mark on her face and hair mercilessly. After meeting, I reluctantly returned to the big city.

Mother in the distance! Do you know that?/You know what? I still miss, miss. ...

Missing topic composition 2 is in a hurry, too hasty. Five years have taken away our childhood, but we can't take away our beautiful memories. In Tongshan Primary School, my alma mater, I spent five beautiful and splendid years unconsciously. Recalling the past, scenes come to mind. We have changed from ignorant children to a group of glorious young pioneers who love the motherland and the people. We all know that behind this, if there is no teacher's teaching; It is impossible without the guidance of parents.

Looking back, innocent and lovely children came to this big group, and Tongshan Primary School became angry because of our arrival. Everything on campus is full of vitality because of our arrival!

Of course, in these five years, it is impossible to be so happy. There is sorrow and joy, crying and laughing here. But it is precisely because of this that we become stronger.

The teachers here, our teachers, teach us good and evil; Distinguish right from wrong. The kindness of the teacher is unforgettable. Let me say thank you to my teacher again and say to my old classmates and friends for many years, "However, as long as China keeps our friendship, heaven is still our neighbor". I want to say to my classmates: "Learn to cherish, cherish every fleeting day, cherish every friend around you, and cherish every care you get." Work hard every day and enrich every day. Everything we do is to weave dreams in our hearts. Success should be bought with sweat, and don't leave yourself regrets for wasting time.

How should we make use of this holiday? Of course, don't take the differences between classmates too seriously. Yes, my classmates and friends who have been separated for five years are a little sad, but this can't be the reason for our laziness, but it will become the driving force for us to move on. Come on, study hard to meet the placement exam from primary school to junior high school. We should report good news instead of bad news. We should work harder and strive to become the pillars of our country. The only thing we can do is to bring this good news to our teachers and classmates.

Finally, I would like to express my personal opinion: even if there are bumps ahead, it can't stop the pace of success. Strive for progress, or you will lose the meaning of thinking hard. Students, don't forget a person who would rather sacrifice himself than save others-teacher!

Missing topic composition 3 Missing is like a river, which is endless: like a bright moon, clear and unbearable; Like a grass, it sprouts everywhere.

Many times, the scenery of my hometown is vaguely reflected in my dreams. At that time, the most carefree. Running around in the fields barefoot. I picked up a straw, put it in my mouth, wrapped it around my waist and looked at the distance. I always wait until my mother shouts "dinner" in the yard before I come to my senses and say goodbye to my friends. I have an appointment to take a bath in the village river tomorrow. Mom's cooking is very fragrant, and the whole family get together and eat, talking and laughing.

Many times, the scenery of my hometown is vaguely reflected in my dreams. At that time, the most carefree. Running around in the fields barefoot. Pick a straw, put it in your mouth, wrap it around your waist, and look at the distance. I always wait until my mother shouts "dinner" in the yard before I come to my senses and say goodbye to my friends. I have an appointment to take a bath in the village river tomorrow.

Mom's cooking is very fragrant, and the whole family get together and eat, talking and laughing. After dinner, my mother washed the pile of greasy dishes, and my father carefully took out the latest newspaper from his bag and looked with relish. For me, I took out my homework and wandered in the sea of questions. Twilight came inadvertently, and a tall building suddenly appeared in my dream. Farmhouse can't find a shadow, and the spring of childhood memories generally emerges.

My father's snoring reached my ears across Qian Shan, making me homesick.

Don't let tears wet the road of memory, an ordinary and ordinary road in the eyes of others, but it makes me cry again and again. Maybe because of you. Today, when I was walking on this road, I shed tears again-inscription.

Road, there are thousands of roads in Qian Qian in the world. Only this ordinary road makes me unforgettable, because there is a mark on the road that I am with you. That feeling is like being blown by the warm spring breeze, bringing your love to every piece of land in my heart and letting the dandelion of love sprout in my heart.

Along the way, with the light green in spring, the vitality in summer, the fiery red in autumn and the snowflake in winter, I recorded the joys and sorrows with you during your time with me; In the years after you left me, you spent unforgettable days with me. Touching the branch, I heard the song it sang, but I never understood what it was singing.

Whenever I stand on the balcony at home and look at the road, I always want to cry, and I want to vent my melancholy, but I have never done so, because you once said to me in the wind, "Don't cry, don't let your tears wet your memories." I nodded ruthlessly. Since then, I have never cried with you for that road, because I don't want my tears to wet the best memories.

Now I still walk that road every day, touch the trunk and listen to that song every day. I didn't understand that song before, but now for so many years, I understand it for the first time:

I witnessed a lot,/I forgot a lot of things,/but the scene between her and the old man,/I never forgot .../One day, the girl touched me,/told me gently,/a tear was about to fall. /The wind sent the old man's words from the sky:/"Don't cry,/Don't let the tears wet the memory ..."

Yes! Grandpa, I told myself never to cry! Don't let the tears of missing wet all your memories. Perhaps because of you, the mood of leaving is gone, leaving only the bitterness you sow in your heart. After sprouting in your heart, it feels like bitter coffee, bitter first and then sweet. But I like bitterness, because bitterness can make me not forget your words and you in my memory!

Missing the topic composition 5 After the autumn dusk, there is still a refreshing afternoon, walking alone by the river, looking at the moon in the water, vaguely.

When the cold wind blows, my heart will tremble and get carried away, as if I were careless. The silent night came into our eyes and ears. Time, as if frozen in this season, snuggled up at this moment, tightly afraid to let go. The forest path is covered with fallen leaves, and it sounds like a heartbreaking sound when you step on it. The bright moonlight lit up the earth, and those beautiful memories were scattered on the road with tears of parting, which reminded me of a poem: love is on the left, love is on the right, sunshine shines all the way, and spring is sought all the way. As we move forward intently, we always forget that happiness is around us. In this deciduous season, how many leaves are left on the tree, waiting for the arrival of spring?

What is left is regret, what is taken away is tears, and what is abandoned is feelings!

But I believe that the sun will still be bright tomorrow.

Missing the topic composition 6 Death, in Latin, means walking through the crowd. Next to your quiet face is a Datura with dewdrops, which is rarely black. I know you don't like black Datura, but I just think it suits you. Unknown fate and death are the signs of your life.

At this time, I still have an illusion that you will open your eyes and smile at me, just like when you appear every morning.

I don't know how to write it down You are like a giant eagle hovering over my head. You are basically in my memory, which makes me think for a moment. I really don't know where to start.

When I was a child, there were memories of you on the CD, and the back of the CD was backlit. I seemed to see you again. Gundam opened the box of our childhood. You said that childhood without Gundam was like Altman without Godzilla.

The dishes are covered with dust, and now it is filled with mild afternoon sunshine, like parachuting soldiers, scrambling to fly to a wider landing area. I closed the curtains, synchronized with your remaining memories, and turned on the TV as I did eight years ago.

Yamato boarded the storm gundam, and he is not him anymore. This boy, full of confidence, hope and dreams, died as early as when he left the novice village. You are very disdainful. "People live to be strong, and powerlessness has been removed from my dictionary!"

A strong yearning comes to mind with bitter memories. I turned off the TV involuntarily, and your confidence was revealed at that time. You said that if it didn't succeed in the future, it was artificial, and you would definitely kill him. I asked if that thing is not a person, but an untouchable thing called fate?

You didn't say anything. After a long time, I still clearly remember the sentence, "then I am out of my destiny."

Have you thought about it? It is this fate that has changed the course of your life, but you can no longer stand up and shout to deviate from it. You are too tired to open your eyes now.

I'd rather you left, left us, and went to another city, so that I'll always be thinking about your place in this world that is still intact. But if you leave, you will never come back.

I can't see you anymore!

Every time I look at gundam and that sentence, I have a taste. This is a taste of missing, and I can't get rid of it. I will take your share and live well. Every kind of death in the world is for rebirth. This smell will always stay on my taste buds, just like you are remembered by me. You will be eternal.

Missing topic composition 7 Whenever class is over, I will go to the corridor to see my former classmates downstairs. They had a good time and seemed to have forgotten me. They are playing a game of "cat catching mouse", and everyone is chasing each other. No sooner had the "cats" taken a step than the "mice" suddenly dispersed in a hubbub. By the time you see what's going on, they have already "stolen rice" in the opposite position! Not to be outdone, the "cat" did not give the "mouse" a little breathing space. He rushed up quickly and caught the "mouse" off guard. With a scream, a mouse was caught. It suddenly occurred to me that I had played this game with them before, and I had such a good time. That picture flashed in my mind like an arrow. Thought of here, I can't help but sob, a teardrop as big as a bean rolled down my cheek. Every time I see them after school, I wave to them. He paused for a moment, but there was a surprised expression on his face. He shouted my name happily, waved to me vigorously, and finally ran away with a smile. But when I see them, I won't say anything but cry and call their names. During the break, I watched them for a long time and thought: I really want to run downstairs and play with him, even if we are not in the same class! If there is a meteor in the sky, my wish is to be in the same class with all my friends.

Turn back the clock, as long as we can be with friends, as long as we can play together, as long as our hearts are still together.

It was a sunless afternoon, and the breeze was singing childhood songs. The fog around is getting thicker and thicker, but the laughing shadow in the fog is faintly visible. Is this a dream? A never-ending dream!

The fog cleared and the sun shone on familiar but unfamiliar faces not far away. They are laughing, the smile is so clear, but it seems unreal. Can friendship last? A burst of white smoke swept away and the picture changed. In a classroom full of many feelings, they struggled and worked hard, but the result of their struggle was just to crush their peers? The picture fluctuated and the scene changed. It was on the playground. They were United and helped each other, with sweat and firm smiles on their faces. I can't tell the true from the false. I really want to put these disturbing troubles behind me, but the seeds of memory have been deeply rooted in my brain. Is there an eternal friendship in the world? I sighed slightly.

At this time, a vague figure appeared in the distance, and all the memories in my mind came to my mind. "Cloud, is that you?" I shouted at the figure. "It's me, I'm back!" Rhyme's face completely appeared in front of me. Yunyun's hair flutters with the wind, her smart eyes contain no impurities, and her slightly pale face is smiling. The cloud hugged me, and I cried on the shoulder of the cloud.

When I was a child, I liked cherry blossoms very much, so I often stood under the cherry trees and felt the freshness left by the breeze. Yun, one year younger than me, is my neighbor. Whenever I stand under the cherry tree, rhyme will jump around me and beat those fallen cherry blossoms. Until one day, I never saw rhyme again, and loneliness and pain were buried in my heart at that time. From then on, I waited under the cherry tree every day, hoping to see the shadow of rhyme around me again. However, I know that Yun will never appear again in this life, because Yun suffered from congenital heart disease and died urgently. Every summer, I put cherry blossom petals in a basket, take them to her grave and tell her my side. I believe that Lyme will hear my voice in heaven.


The photo of me hugging the cloud turned into a drop of water and dripped down. After the transparent water drops fell to the ground, everything disappeared, and my dissatisfaction with the present friendship and my yearning for charm were shattered. Is this really just a dream? Why do I feel so real!

In the year of missing topic composition 9, I missed those memories and looked for my future in a foreign land. What is sad is not my lonely soul, but my inexplicable sadness. The hand of God often takes away many things. I am not only afraid, but also afraid. I often hide in the corner and meditate quietly. Will the appearance of death have a faint taste?

The black on the coffin reminds me of the distant desolation and contains that kind of pain. I just want to know if the world in the ending has that smiling face. Occasionally, I will come to the cemetery quietly. I just wonder if there will be your soul there. I want to kiss your eyes happily ... for a long time, I haven't lost my thoughts on you.

In the withered autumn, the leaves in the bamboo forest are flying all over the sky, and I often see your lonely figure in my crying eyes. The cemetery is desolate, and still no one asks about your lonely face. Great pain covered up my hard-to-read words. I really don't want your bones to be desolate and silent there. In the wishing bottle, my wish is actually that simple. I just want to see your kind face in my dream. I am painfully far away from my hometown, and I am full of fatigue and loneliness in a foreign land. I really want to take my little bird and let him tell you the sadness buried in my heart. When I was a child, your hand was still warm on that quiet path, but I put down my wait and left you lightly. I know that your illness made me very scared and worried. I really want to accompany you, but you told me to leave quickly and don't forget the future. .....................................................................................................................................

This year, I went to your grave with guilt. I didn't listen to you and did nothing. Those bamboo leaves are still falling so simply, except that my eyelids are full of tears. I don't think you will ever hear me cry or cry again, .............................................................................................................................................. Your cemetery is covered with all kinds of yellow grass, so decadent and desolate. I squatted in front of the grave and didn't leave. I think you can hear my words and my tears. God may let you go home and see me you haven't seen for a long time. Is it? I closed my eyes and waited for your figure, only to find that there was nothing but those noisy firecrackers. Is it God's cruelty or your refusal? I really want to know the answer, because my grandson really misses you. I hate those myths woven by death. It's been a long time since I pried open those black faces and fled quietly. I hid in a quiet village, and I got lost in my own steps. I really don't want the meaning of death, nor do I want that kind of affection. I have no reason to give up the pursuit of ideals, even if you quietly took my closest grandfather away. I have no right to judge you, you stubborn horn. I'm just lonely, that shameless trick. The hatred disappeared like that for a long time and there was no news at all. I only find those broken shadows and imaginations swallowed up by power. I don't know that beauty is really dying, and I don't know that ugliness is coming slowly. I'm just sad, deprived of the true meaning of life for no reason. I think, I don't understand what death is like. Maybe it is as cruel, bloody and fearful as the devil. ...

Life has lost its happy ending, at least it should not be so monotonous or simple. Not gorgeous tone, I don't think there is such a great beginning. A powerful struggle, I don't think it is the magic of despair without the price of death. I wonder if those beautiful fireworks can break into your loving face. But no, I didn't know it was the destruction of .............................................................................................................................................................. until it was shattered. I really want to hear your story, even if it rains heavily. I seem to have completely forgotten that free separation. I don't think you left, at least you still live in my consciousness … ..

Desperate birds may choose to die. He no longer flew over the land where a group of them were buried, although it was covered with beautiful glass. Beneath the glass, there is an indifferent appearance, the emptiness that exists in your eyes. Wisdom or rationality, I think, you should know best. Because in your kind face, there will never be that hateful dark cloud. I haven't been to any small river for a long time, and I haven't smelled its murmur for a long time. I'm not just afraid or scared, I just chose not to disturb that natural purity so indifferently. In childish thoughts, there will never be that kind of complicated wisdom. I wonder how much that heavy grain weighs. I can't understand a kind of pale gray melancholy, loneliness that can't be given in fear. Perhaps, that river explains what is the meaning of life, .................................................................................................................................................................... I think it will never be, unless your soul dies one after another. My crying still stops in the depths of the bamboo forest, where there is my cry and my figure ... The memories I miss torture me badly, and I cut off my sad head with a bizarre tool. I think I understand sadness and loneliness. Don't leave. When I shouted to God, I was not afraid of his authority and occupied my absolute territory. I'm just worried that your eyes will shed tears of sadness. Forgive me for leaving quietly, I think your smile has long been understood.

I went back to my track and paved my way with fragrance. I think it is a failure to wait silently, so I should choose to give up your bleak language and seek the real belonging. It's been a long time, and the night has come quietly, kissing your grave. I smiled and stood there quietly, looking at the most beautiful meteor.