Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - The origin of the name of constellation 88

The origin of the name of constellation 88

** * Aries

Legend has it that Atamas, the Bohemian king of ancient Greece, had a prince, friso. King Atamas listened to the slander of an evil woman he loved named enoch and wanted to kill Prince friso. Fortunately, this plot was known by Hermes, the messenger of the gods. He took a flying sheep covered with golden hair and sent the prince to Corcas in the distance. The king there treated the prince warmly and married his daughter to him. In order to thank God for saving his life, friso slaughtered the flying sheep and gave it to Zeus, the main god. Zeus listed the flying sheep with outstanding achievements among the stars and let it shine in the night sky. This is the origin of Aries.

* * * Centaur

Kay Long Xing is the smartest and wisest person in urs, Kenda. He is the first person in Greek legend to know the constellations and teach people how to observe them. Another story tells that Khyron was attached to immortal life when he was created, but once, when Hercules was fighting Sidura, a long snake, Khyron came to help, but he was accidentally shot by Hercules with a poisonous arrow from a long snake. Although he won't die, he has suffered extremely. Later, Khyron asked the gods to let him get rid of this endless pain, and was willing to exchange his life for the help of Prometheus, the Titan, to steal the flame from the gods and give it to them. Finally, Zeus finally agreed to let Khyron die. Zeus wanted to put Khyron in heaven to commemorate him, but later, because the northern sky was full of constellations, he had to put him in the southern sky.

* * * Aquarius

Herb, the goddess of youth, is the daughter of Zeus and Sheila, and serves as a maid for pouring wine at the feast of the gods. One day, when he was young, Hebe remembered that he had an attractive appearance, but he could not find a partner because of the priest. He accidentally knocked over the water bottle and was dismissed from the Ministry. Zeus felt very depressed because no one could take his place in the work.

One day, Apollo came to Troy and saw the handsome prince Generos playing with the maids. He thought that there should be such a handsome prince on earth, so he returned to the celestial world and reported to Zeus. Zeus felt incredible and wanted to witness the Prince of Troy.

When Zeus saw Prince Troy, he missed him every day. One day, Prince Troy acted alone, and Zeus turned into an eagle and brought him back to the divine world.

The prince misses his hometown and family very much. At the same time, the king of Troy missed the prince very much. I wonder where he has gone. Zeus was ashamed and couldn't bear the prince to lose weight day by day, so he had a dream for the king, told him about the prince's situation in the divine world, told him to go back to Troy to see the king, and then went back to the divine world to pour wine.

So Ganymeros became the only mortal in the divine world. After his death, Zeus lifted him to the sky with a water bottle and turned him into a water bottle.

* * * North Corona

Legend has it that when Dionysus Dionysus married Princess Ariadne, Dionysus gave the bride a beautiful crown with crystal jewels as a wedding gift. Soon the princess died of illness, and Dionysus, who was always happy, was very sad because of the loss of his beloved wife. He threw the crown into the air, and the crown rose higher and higher, and finally rose to the list of heavy stars. Until now, we can still find this beautiful crown in the sky.

* * * Bojiang

Legend has it that one day, the son of Apollo, the sun god, flew in the sky in his father's golden car. Because Phaeton whipped the good horse, the horse lost its normal state and left heaven with the golden cart. The golden car swept through the clouds and hit the mountains, turning the earth into a sea of fire. Zeus, the god of heaven, threw the solar car into the Bojiang River to prevent the disaster. The earth slowly returned to normal order. Later, Zeus raised the constellation Bojiang to the sky and became the constellation Bojiang in the southern sky.

* * * Flight seat

The two brightest stars in the fly constellation, Bee III and Bee I, are like a pair of bright little eyes of bees, flashing together, which is particularly cute. Therefore, in 1603, when German amateur astronomer Bayer delineated this constellation, he named it "Apis". But by 1763, the French astronomer Llakaj showed on the map that bees had turned into flies, which was called "South Masca", making it correspond to North Masca. The northern musk constellation was on the back of Aries, but it was later cancelled, so the southern musk constellation was changed to the musk constellation. Because bees are more pleasing than flies after all, until the star map compiled by 180 1, this constellation still drew a bee.

* * * jackal

Legend has it that this jackal was the father of callisto who was later turned into a bear. In order to test the divinity of Zeus, he sacrificed human flesh to the gods, so he was punished by the gods and turned him into a jackal. This is the origin of the jackal.

* * * Long snake

Legend has it that Xu Dela is a fierce and terrible water snake with nine snake heads. This monster can spit poison gas from nine mouths and feed on wild animals and people. In order to destroy it, the great hero Hercules and his friend Olaus came to the place where Xu Dela lived. Hercules swung a big stick and broke nine heads one by one, but after breaking nine basilisk heads, nine new heads immediately grew. Later, Hercules found a way for Olaus to burn the new snake head with burning branches. Finally, he killed the snakehead, buried the snakehead's body in the ground, and pressed a boulder on it. Xu Dela, the water snake, was eliminated. Zeus, the god of gods, praised Hercules for this achievement, and lifted the water snake he conquered to the sky and became Ophiuchus.

* * * bottom

Legend has it that the Greek hero Jason led many warriors on the Argo to find golden fleece. After many hardships, golden fleece finally got this priceless treasure and returned home in triumph. Later, the goddess Athena lifted the ship to the sky and became the Southern Constellation. However, due to the large range of southern constellations, the French astronomer Llakaj divided them into four constellations at 1750, with Carina as the southernmost part of the starry sky.

* * * sail

"Argo"-the sail of the south seat.

* * * Stern

1750, French astronomer Llakaj divided the huge southern constellation into four parts, with the tailstock as the largest part.


Legend has it that Cyrus is the beloved hound of hunter Horion, who has been accompanying the hunter. Later, He Lian died of manslaughter of his wife, themis, the goddess of the moon. His dog is sad, too. It didn't eat all day, just cried sadly, and finally starved to death in its master's house. In order to reward its loyalty, Zeus lifted it to the sky and turned it into Canis major. Today, the hound still follows its master and bravely grabs the rabbit.

* * * Bear

Legend has it that the beautiful Greek girl callisto was favored by Zeus and gave birth to a very lovely son, Achatz. So she was jealous of Hera, the queen of heaven, and punished Crystal with magic, turning this gentle and beautiful Crystal into a big bear. Later, Zeus raised the great bear to a conspicuous position in the sky and became the constellation Ursa major.

* * * Carving tools

Carver's seat is a star designated by the French astronomer Llakaj in 1752 to fill the gap in the southern hemisphere. Originally called "Carver's Chisel", it was later renamed "Carver's Block".

* * * Rhododendron

Rhododendron is actually a bird with a huge mouth and beautiful feathers that lives in South America. 1603, German amateur astronomer Bayer named a constellation to commemorate the discovery of this bird.

* * * shield

The Polish astronomer Hevelis delineated this constellation in 1690 to commemorate the fact that King sobieski III of Poland led an army against the Turkish army in 1683, thus defending Vienna. So the constellation he envisioned was a shield with a coat of arms.

* * * Flying Horse

A fairy tale in Ethiopia. When Poerxiusi beheaded Medusa, the head of the banshee, blood flowed into the sea from Medusa's neck and mixed with the hippocampus, so she jumped out of a white flying horse with wings-Pegasus. Neptune was once considered the father of Petraeus. Legend has it that Athena once caught the flying horse and took it to Mount Heliken, a mountain belonging to the Muse. During the leap, Pei Jiasu's hoof kicked down the hill, and the famous Lingquan Spring began to gush out. At that time, it was said that Hippocrene was the inspiration for all poets and writers. Later, Pegas became a good friend of Luo Ming, a young soldier in the Greek port city of Corinth. With the help of Pegas, Bailey Luo Ming accomplished great achievements such as the assassination of a terrible monster Chimera (lion's head, sheep's body and dragon's tail). Finally, Bailey Luoming became very arrogant and wanted to ride a flying horse over Olympus to join the gods. Zeus sent a cow fly. (Note: The Kingdom of Ethiopia is not Ethiopia today, but a dynasty originally located on the north coast of Africa).

flying fish

1603, German amateur astronomer Bayer imagined this constellation as a tropical flying fish gliding beside a huge south ship.

* * * Phoenix

Legend has it that the phoenix is a bird before the arrival of the sun god. It burns itself every 500 years and then regenerates from the ashes of its own cremation. In the southern hemisphere, every spring night, people can see the king of birds leading cuckoos, peacocks, swallows, cranes and five birds dancing in the South Pole.

* * * Dolphin

In Greek mythology, dolphins are the messengers of Neptune. When the mermaid Houxing avoided Neptune's suggestion, she suggested that she marry Neptune. Later, this dolphin once saved the life of Aryan, the son of Neptune, when he was attacked by sailors and jumped into the sea after winning the laurel and other prizes in the music competition. In order to reward the dolphin, Zeus lifted it to the sky and turned it into a dolphin constellation.

* * * Fall behind

Legend has it that the queen of ancient Egypt, Belle Naxi, had beautiful amber hair. When the king went to war, the queen prayed for the peace of the king and made a wish to Aphrodite, the goddess: If God can bless the king's smooth return, she will cut off her hair and give it to the goddess. Soon, the king returned triumphantly, and the queen cut off her beautiful hair without hesitation and enshrined it in the goddess temple. Zeus, the god of heaven, appreciated her hair so much that he lifted the queen's hair to the sky and turned it into a back seat.

* * * Fox

This constellation was described by Polish astronomer Hevelis in 1690. His initial idea was that a fox had a goose in its mouth, so it was called "the constellation of the fox goose". Later, perhaps because the goose was swallowed and only the fox was left, the name of the constellation was changed to "fox".

* * * frame

1750 A constellation named by the French astronomer Llakaj with a newly invented drawing tool at that time. Originally called "donkey back easel", it was probably because painters often used donkeys to carry easels and canvases at that time, and later it was simply called "easel".

* * * pump

Llakaj is the first person in the world to draw a complete catalog and map of the southern sky (southern hemisphere). During 1750 ~ 1754, he made a systematic survey of the stars in the southern hemisphere at the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa, and published a catalogue and map containing the exact positions of 2000 stars in 1763. At that time, because there were still many gaps between the original bright constellations, those sky areas had neither bright stars nor dark stars, so they were never included in any constellations. Llakaj put these small pieces of dim starry sky left behind into independent constellations, each named after a newly invented scientific instrument or artistic tool at that time. Pump seat is one of the constellations.

* * * swordfish

1603 was determined by German amateur astronomer Bayer, and large magellanic cloud is in this constellation.

* * * * Taurus

Legend has it that the ancient Phoenician king had a beautiful princess Europa. Zeus, the god of heaven, wanted to woo her long ago, but it was difficult to get her wish. One day, when the princess and the maids were playing by the sea, Zeus turned into a white cow, took the princess to Crete and married her. Because Europa was the first person to come to this land, later generations called this land "Europa". And Zeus transformed the bull into heaven, which is now Taurus.

* * * Whale

Legend has it that this whale with a terrible mouth, huge body and thick front paws was sent by Neptune to devour Princess Andromeda, who was locked on the coast as a sacrifice. Just as it was about to attack the princess, it suddenly saw that the head of the witch Medusa was taken out of her pocket by Poerxiusi, an Englishman who came to rescue the princess, and instantly turned to stone, and the princess was saved. Later, Zeus, the god of heaven, moved this whale monster to the sky to commemorate Poerxiusi's achievements, and it became the constellation Cetacea that we see now.

* * * Ruler

1750 was delineated by the French astronomer Llakaj, which is actually a constellation separated from the neighboring Temple of Heaven and wolves. Originally called "carpenter's square ruler" or "surveyor's level", it was later simplified to "square ruler seat". Sagittarius, Scorpio, Wolf and Centauri are the regions where the core of the Milky Way lies. A dark band formed by an interstellar dust cloud in the plane of the Milky Way blocked the starlight at the core of the Milky Way and found the square ruler.

* * * Grand Jue

A constellation of Koharu defined by the ancient Greek astronomer Tome in the 2nd century A.D. lies between Ophiuchus and Raven. Constellations are all dark stars, and four fourth-order stars form a skewed square, just like a wine glass. According to legend, Dajue is a wine glass used by Apollo, the sun god.

* * * Viper

Ophiuchus is the only constellation in the whole day that is divided into two parts by another constellation. The whole constellation is divided into two parts by Ophiuchus: the snake tail is in the east of Ophiuchus and extends along the Milky Way to Altair; The other half is in the west of Ophiuchus, just south of the northern corona, and there are three stars forming a small triangle, which is the snake head. There are not many bright stars in the constellation, winding around the equator of the celestial sphere. Legend has it that Pioz, an imperial doctor, is not only skilled in medicine, but also repeatedly observed a spotted snake he caught in order to find a way to rejuvenate people. After the death of Axelrod Pioz, Zeus ascended his soul to heaven and became Ophiuchus. At the same time, the Agkistrodon was lifted into the sky to show Aschero Pioz's spirit of assiduous study and daring to discover. So whenever Ophiuchus appears in the sky on a summer night, he always holds the snakehead in his hand. This spotted snake is hydra.

* * * Cancer

Legend has it that Hercules, the son of Zeus, began to conquer Xu Dela, the water snake monster, after conquering the lion essence. Hera sent a big crab to help the water snake when he was fighting with it. The big crab gripped Hercules' foot with both claws, and the hero immediately smashed the crab with a stick. Later, Hera felt sorry for cancer and lifted it to the sky and turned it into cancer.

* * * Peacock

Legend has it that Jason, the great hero, has made great contributions to golden fleece. After his triumphant return, Hera turned Argo into a peacock and stood in front of her. Later, Hera ordered the beholder to guard a priestess, IO. IO was killed and turned into a small white cow. The 100-eyed monster has 100 eyes. Even when sleeping, there are still 50 eyes wide open, monitoring the movements of the little white sheep. Thank God, Hermes played a lullaby on the reed flute and finally closed all 65,438+000 eyes. At this time, Hermes took the opportunity to kill the eye pupil, rescued Io, and restored her beautiful body. When Hera was depressed, she put all the eyes of the 100-eyed monster 100 on the peacock's tail beside her, becoming the peacock's seat to hold its head high in the southern sky.

* * * Orion

Oliver is a famous hunter, but he is very cruel and boasted for a long time that no wild animal can beat him. The goddess Hella (Juno) was very unhappy when she heard this and sent a scorpion to kill Oliver. Later, both of them lost and were placed on both sides of heaven. So now, when you look at the constellations, you will find that every time Scorpio rises, Oliver is hidden under the horizon, and when Orion appears in the sky, Scorpio. Another myth says that Olivier is the son of Poseidon and Oreglia, the queen of Amazon. He fell in love with my melody, Princess Kivo, and wanted to marry her. Xiao Ye Bean, the father of my melody, objected and asked Oliver to finish many difficult tasks first. Later, although Olivia realized them one by one, the king broke his word, so he planned to elope with the princess. But when the king knew, he became blind. When the god of metalworking learned about it, he sent his men to take Oliver to see the sun god. Themis is the twin sister of Apollo, the hunting god and the moon god in the sky. She fell in love with Oliver at first sight. Diana neglected her responsibility to light up the night sky every night, and the gods advised her not to listen. Later, one day Apollo saw Olivier hunting by the sea in the distance, so Apollo shone the sun brighter, making Diana unable to see Olivier clearly. Then she lied to Diana that the black spot by the sea was a wild animal, which made Diana hit the black spot with an arrow. Later, she realized that she had shot the person she loved with her own hands. She was very sad and began to lose interest in life. Since then, the moon has become cold and lifeless.

* * * hound

Legend has it that Hera was very jealous when she saw Callisto and Achatz both rising into the sky and becoming Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. In addition to not letting their mother and son rest in the sea, they also sent a hunter with two hounds to chase them. These two hounds are now in the constellation Canis.

* * * sextant

This constellation was named for the Polish astronomer Hevelis in memory of his instrument sextant, which has long been used to determine the height of celestial bodies. He worships sextant very much, and even after the application of astronomical telescope, he continues to use it to determine the position of stars.

* * * Lubao

This is a constellation that will go wrong because of the wrong name. 1624, the German mathematician Bucky wanted to name this vast starry sky composed of faint stars after a camel in the Bible, because the camel gave Rebekah to Abraham's son Isaac and married him. However, when he wrote the word "camel" in Greek, it was mistakenly written as "giraffe". In the future, the name will be decided by misinformation, and it will be translated into Lubao in Chinese.

* * * compass

It is said that dozens of ancient Greek heroes, led by a song, sailed eastward on Argo, a seagoing ship, looking for golden fleece, a priceless treasure, and wrote a heroic epic of ancient navigation. Athena, the goddess, lifted Argo into the sky and became the Southern Constellation after their long voyage and successful return to Greece. 1750, French astronomer Llakaj divided this ultra-wide southern constellation into base, stern, sail and mast. Later, because it was assumed that Argo needed a compass to navigate during the voyage, the mast was renamed "compass".

** * Capricorn

The legendary mountain god Pan is the son of the god Hermes. He has the horns of two goats on his head, hairy upper body and sheep on his lower body. He is a monster who is half man and half sheep. But he loves music and often plays melodious music with his reed flute. Once, the gods held a banquet by the Nile, and Pan played the flute to entertain them. Suddenly, a terrible devil, half man and half snake, came at them. The gods had no time to defend themselves and fled, and Pan, who was playing, also fled. But because he was too frightened to control himself, the underwater part turned into the shape of a fish, while the water part turned into the shape of a sheep and fled in a hurry. Later Zeus remembered the strange face of Pan, the god of the mountain forest, when he escaped. He was deeply impressed and left this incarnation in the sky. This is the origin of Capricorn.

** * Mu Fu

Legend has it that Hera, the queen of heaven, was very jealous when she saw Crystal, a beautiful woman who turned into a big bear and a little bear, and her son Achatz ascended to heaven by Zeus, the god of heaven, occupying the two glorious thrones of Big Bear and Little Bear. So he told Neptune never to let Ursa Major and Ursa Minor sink into the horizon to rest, and sent a loyal hunter with two hounds to chase after him. This hunter is the shepherd.

* * * Antarctica

The French astronomer Llakaj demarcated it in 1752 while working in the Cape of Good Hope. Antarctic and Ursa major are two brilliant constellations in the whole day. There is a Polaris in Ursa minor. Unfortunately, the star in the South Pole is very dark, and it is not as beautiful as the Polaris invivo. At present, the star closest to the south celestial pole that can be observed by naked eyes is 1 fifth star. Nevertheless, according to the positions of constellations and bright stars near the South Pole, the position of the South Pole can still be roughly determined. For example, the midpoint of the line between the water Committee I of Bojiang and the horse belly I of Centauri; From the midpoint of the "False Southern Cross" between Carina and Capricorn; The midpoint of the line between Bee III and Bee I and small magellanic cloud pointed by a pair of eyes in the fly constellation; The connecting line between Sirius and Lao Nianxing extends southward 1 times; The vertical south of the cross of the southern cross extends four times the distance. Of course, these observation methods can only be carried out in areas above the mid-latitude in the southern hemisphere.

* * * Southern Corona

Dark star constellation, dark stars arranged in a small oval, ancient Greek astronomer Ptolemy described this constellation in the 2nd century AD ... There are two crowns in the sky, one is north and the other is south, but the south crown is far less obvious and easy to identify. According to legend, the Southern Crown God awarded Kailongxing a crown in recognition of his achievements.

* * * South Triangle

The location of the Southern Triangle can also be found in the Milky Way through the connection between the bright stars Ma Fuyi and Nanmen II in Centauri. Imagine that there is an angular bisector facing north from the top corner of the southern triangle, which guides the direction of the celestial pole. German amateur astronomer Bayer first delineated this constellation in 1603.

* * * Southern Cross

It is the smallest constellation in the whole day, but it is very bright. Once considered a part of Centauri, astronomers separated it in the17th century.

* * * South Fish

Southern Pisces was once considered as one of the gods. Its shape in the sky seems to be drinking the spring water poured down from Aquarius, which is located in the north of Aquarius.

* * * Kirin

The most beautiful object in the constellation Unicorn is the Rose Nebula. At the center of this dim rose-red nebula is an open cluster consisting of more than a dozen blue-green and gold stars. But this kind of rose in the sky can only be seen with long-term photos taken by astronomical telescope. As early as the Persian map, there are already pictures of this constellation. However, its image is completely different from the unicorn in China mythology. It is a unicorn, shaped like a white horse, with a horn on its head.

* * * people

Connecting the six bright stars in the east of Sagittarius looks like the Big Dipper, so it is also called "South Six Stars". In Greek mythology, there are some people with upper body and horses with lower body, which are monsters between god and man and are called "centaurs". One of them, Kay Long Xing, is gentle, kind and intelligent. He is a scholar who is proficient in music, medical technology and wax hunting. He lives in a cave and teaches knowledge and skills as his occupation. Hercules, the great hero, Jason of golden fleece, orpheus, the pianist, and Askell Lepios, the imperial doctor, were all his disciples. Unfortunately, in the battle between Hercules and some centaurs, Kay Long Xing was killed by a poisoned arrow. Zeus, the god of heaven, lamented the tragic death of Kay Long Xing and gave him a place in heaven, which is Sagittarius.

* * * triangle

This small triangle constellation, which is not too bright, attracted people's attention thousands of years ago and has many names. The ancient Greeks called it a "triangle"; The ancient Romans called it "Sicily in the sky" because Sicily in Italy was triangular; Later, some people called it "Trinity Block" or "St. Peter's Square Block".

* * * Mountain case

The constellation named by the French astronomer Llakaj commemorates his observation of the southern sky from 1750 to 1754 at Table Mountain in Cape Town. Because he always remembered that the top of the console table mountain was often shrouded in clouds, he named this constellation covered by nebulae console table. It's a pity that the stars in the constellation are too dark, and the brightest ones are only five, so we can only see the dim starry sky between the third part of Yunnan, the Great Magellan, and the south celestial pole, which is almost as dim, and know that this is the mountain seat.

* * * Snake Man

It is said that Phobos Apollo Asclepius became a famous doctor with superb medical skills under the guidance of his teacher Kay Long Xing, a centaur. Thanks to his careful research, he cured many patients and made fewer and fewer people die. This angered the guardians of the underworld. Hades complained to his brother Zeus, who was the God of God. In order to maintain the authority of the protoss, he shot Asclepius with a thunder hammer. But after killing Asclepius, Zeus regretted that he was a kind doctor and it was unreasonable to kill him for respect. So he took Asclepius's soul to heaven and became Ophiuchus. Asclepius in the constellation has a spotted snake in his hand. This is Ophiuchus. Because the ancient Greeks regarded snake molting as rejuvenation, and the job of doctors was to rejuvenate people.

* * * Lion

Legend has it that there is a fierce lion spirit in Nemea Valley. It is the son of the monster Ekadna. This lion spirit harms people, cattle and sheep everywhere. Delacourt, the hero, the son of Zeus, strangled the invulnerable lion essence with his divine power, removing a great harm for the people. To commemorate the achievements of Hercules, Zeus raised the lion spirit to the sky and turned it into a Leo.

* * * clock

This constellation was defined by French astronomer Llakaj. It is said that Llakaj thought that Argo, a huge expedition ship from Greece to Corcas to acquire golden fleece, needed a clock during its long voyage, so he established this constellation. However, none of the four constellations (Vela, Tail, Carina and Compass) that Argo became after his ascension to heaven can be linked. This is because the warriors sailing in Argo at that time used astronomical phenomena to determine the time, which caused the clock to be idle in the southern sky far away from Argo.

* * * Maid

It is said that Myrtle is the god of agriculture in charge of grains, vegetables and flowers. She has a beautiful daughter, Persephone. Hades took Persephone and became his queen. Demeter was very sad at the loss of her daughter. He looked for her everywhere, so that the field was deserted and yellow. So Zeus persuaded the guardian to return Persephone to her mother. But because Persephone ate Pluto's food, she had to live with Pluto for six months in a year and return to her mother for the rest of the year. In this way, whenever she was with her mother Demeter, Demeter revived the earth. It's spring and summer. When Persephone returned to the ground, Demeter was eager to cultivate, and the particles on the ground were not harvested and the leaves fell. It's late autumn and severe winter. It is said that this is how the four seasons come. When spring comes, Virgo rises from the eastern horizon, but in winter, Virgo is not visible.

* * * Pisces

Legend has it that once, Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, and her son Cupid eros were walking in an Okawa car. Suddenly, a fire-breathing giant rushed at them. Aphrodite knew that he couldn't beat the giant. He used his quick wits to turn himself and his son into two fish and escaped from the river. Later, Athena, the goddess of wisdom, lifted their mother and son to the sky in the shape of fish, which is the origin of Pisces.

* * * Gemini

Legend has it that the beautiful princess Leda gave birth to twins. My brother's name is "Caster" and my brother's name is "Borde". They are not only skilled, but also friendly and inseparable. Later, my brother died in a melee, and my brother felt very sad. So the younger brother begged Zeus to let them live together forever. In order to praise the friendship between their brothers, Zeus lifted them to the sky together and became a Gemini that attracted thousands of eyes.

* * * Water snake

This is a small water snake in the southern sky. German amateur astronomer Bayer demarcated 1603.

* * * Libra

Legend has it that Demeter, the goddess in charge of agriculture, is also the goddess of truth and justice. She often uses scales to measure people's good and evil and give people a fair judgment. So when she ascended to become a Virgo, the gods also brought her close to Virgo's Libra.

* * * Swan

Also known as the Northern Cross, it is the embodiment of Zeus traveling around the world. The image in the sky is that it is about to fly south to meet Princess Sparta and his wife Leda. Tindarius'. They later had illegitimate children, twins Gaster and Boris, namely Gemini. Another legend says that Ophelias turned into a swan and went to the sky to look for his lyre. Another most interesting myth is that Phaeton, the son of the sun god, had a very good friend named Cygnus. One day, in order to prove to Signus that the sun god was his father, he asked Apollo to drive the sun carriage for one day. Later, Phaeton lost control and rampaged through the sky. Apollo saw that the world was very dangerous and had to shoot him down with thunder. Fell into the Bojiang River, and his good friend Signis jumped into the river to look for it. Apollo was moved by Signis, turned him into a swan and took him to the sky.

** * Tian Ge

Originally known as "Noah's Pigeon", Tian Ge was a pigeon who took an olive branch back to Noah's Ark and reported that the flood had begun to recede. In addition, there is a legend that Argo, an expedition ship from Greece to Corcas to get golden fleece, passed between two large living rocks called "rock uplift" when it entered the Black Sea. These two big stones often collide violently and smash any passing ships. The Argo warriors first let a pigeon fly over. At that time, although two rocks collided violently, the pigeon flew away, leaving only a little tail hair. Taking advantage of the reopening of the rock, Argo was able to pass safely and finally found golden fleece. Sagittarius is the incarnation of this pigeon.

* * * Crane

1604, German amateur astronomer Bayer listed it as an independent constellation for the first time on the map. The Arabs once classified it as a part of Pisces, and the British called it "flamingo constellation" in the18th century.

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