Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Key words interpretation 1: the energy view of astrology

Key words interpretation 1: the energy view of astrology

Following the last overview of astrological keywords, the following series of articles on keyword interpretation will be updated.

Since its existence and use, astrology is said to be classified as metaphysics and western mysticism for six or eight thousand years.

Then it has been used and developed by many theologians, psychiatrists, psychologists and scientists in the long history, forming various categories (divination astrology, solar astrology, life core monument astrology, humanistic astrology, secret astrology, world astrology, etc. ).

What is the reason that makes it spread so far, develop and popularize systematically, and become more and more popular at present? What is the rationality of its existence?

Let's discuss this topic in this article.

Let's take a look at how our world is formed.

1, material energy

According to the inference of modern physics, the earth was born under the Big Bang 65.438+037 billion years ago.

The explosion instantly released 96 main elements that formed everything in the universe, including hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen, phosphorus, chlorine, organic matter, calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium and carbon.

They constitute our present material world.

The essence of each element is energy, which vibrates, transforms and changes at different frequencies. It exists in the form of liquid, solid, gas and field (magnetic field and auxiliary radiation).

Simply put, energy is invisible, exists, and is expressed by matter.

Einstein's equation of mass and energy (E=mc2) confirmed the relationship between matter and energy.

2. Elemental energy

After any substance is decomposed into atoms, neutrons and particles, it can be identified by chemical elements, and the heat, temperature and density of each element can show different energy values.

For example, our human body is a substance, and its constituent elements are mainly more than 60 kinds, including calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen, phosphorus, chlorine and other essential quantitative elements 1 1, which are concentrated in the first 20 elements of the periodic table.

In addition, there are more than ten kinds of essential trace elements such as iron, copper, zinc, manganese, cobalt, vanadium, chromium, molybdenum, selenium and iodine. Among them, calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium account for more than 99% of the total metal ions in human body.

The energy source of human body is mainly provided by food, water and sunlight.

In this way, we can run and jump freely and carry out the natural life cycle from birth, growth, aging and death.

3. Spiritual energy

But the biggest difference between human beings and other species in the universe is the spiritual world, such as complex emotions and emotional, linguistic mental activities.

These mental activities are personal, intangible and unmeasurable.

Later, David Hawkins, a famous American psychologist, created an energy table of emotional states, from 0 to 1000, which respectively identified different life states and levels (as shown below).

The appearance of this energy table is very popular, which reveals the complex emotional expression of human beings.

4. Constellation energy

In ancient times, before Hawkins energy table appeared, Atlantis civilization invented astrology by observing cosmic celestial bodies, and divined and predicted world events.

The combination of four natural energy elements and three energy attributes (basic, fixed and variable) in astrology leads to the zodiac signs.

The ancients regarded the zodiac as "the essence of nature", that is, Jung said "the prototype of the cosmic energy model", which has been shaping all life on earth since ancient times.

Edgar Keith said, "Life is sustained by energy vibration." And "everyone has a specific vibration mode".

Just like your palm prints, fingerprints, body and mental state are all made up of energy patterns.

All material and spiritual phenomena are manifestations of energy.

Energy is the source of everything in the world. According to the vibration mode of energy, astrology interprets the world with its 52 key words, which is helpful to the evolution and promotion of life.

This is the value and significance of astrology.

The next part continues to interpret the four elements of astrology, thank you for your attention!

(the end of this article. )