Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Follow the constellation to do SPA.

Follow the constellation to do SPA.

Spend a lot of money to clone other people's SPA projects, but without losing fat and awakening your spirit and senses? The reason may be that you are incompatible with other people's constellations, or the local conditions are different. What kind of SPA and aromatherapy programs should be introduced by different constellations?

Stars of different constellations have different ways to lose weight quickly and maintain their skin. Singers love Aries, a typical fire sign. When it comes to losing weight, I am full of enthusiasm. Water cycling, synchronized swimming and other projects are full of coolness, which is very good for calming Aries' internal heat. You can also use the pressure of water to get rid of acne and tighten your skin. Zhou Xun is Libra, an elvish constellation. Weight loss and shaping also pay attention to feeling and atmosphere. Soak in the sea salt bath and sweat, sprinkle some petals and play some music at the same time. This luxurious and enjoyable way to lose weight can easily warm Zhou Xun's whole body, and easily achieve the purpose of losing weight and moisturizing the skin. Angela Zhang is Capricorn, a traditional conservative earth sign, and believes in Bikram yoga and enzymes. It transports fresh blood and enzymes full of oxygen to all parts of the body and promotes the burning of fat. The sexy goddess Lin Xilei is a mysterious Scorpio, a typical water sign. Lose weight and pay attention to conditioning. Drinking tea with medlar, lotus leaf, jasmine and other materials that clear the heart and lower blood fat can make your body convex and concave. How's it going? Before you decide on your skin care and weight loss plan, let's take a look at what constellation you are and what kind of SPA and aromatherapy projects you should try.

The ever-changing spa can cure air signs's boredom.

Constellations: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Suitable for hydrotherapy: impact hydrotherapy

Recommended SPA: all kinds of impact hydrotherapy to reduce fire and relieve pain.

Many physical diseases in air signs are mostly caused by boredom and internal heat. Water column impact with different intensity in spa can correct posture, shape body lines, eliminate fat and treat chronic pain caused by weather. For example, stretching the whole body with a "bubble bath" at first, and then playing a "pat bath" for 3 minutes, is to let the thick water curtain gently massage the shoulders and neck to relieve physical pain; After that, you can spend 10 minutes in a floating bath. The strong water flow at the bottom of the floating bath produces strong buoyancy, and the body stretches and rotates to resist this buoyancy, unconsciously achieving the weight loss effect that aerobic exercise can achieve. After that, you can take a 6-minute massage bath on the pool wall, massage your back and buttocks with the water jet from the pool wall, and finally take a 3-minute half-length hot water bath to improve the cramping symptoms of air signs.

In addition, in view of the skin characteristics of meteorological constellations that are easy to get angry and get acne, a dead sea mud mask can be made when soaking in hot springs to strengthen skin enzyme activity and sebum excretion; Or make a body film containing alpine natural bath mud immediately after bathing. Glacier water and cyanobacteria are usually added to these bath mud, which can moisturize the skin, clean and astringe pores, and at the same time help to promote internal circulation and expel toxins from the body, and finally activate the skin and achieve a light and confident posture.

Best aromatherapy: fresh and smart, stable and exquisite.

On the one hand, the wind is as smart and sensitive as an elf, with novel ideas and rich creativity; On the other hand, he has a strong sense of unease, and he often has a phobia of choice when he encounters major events. The aromatherapy essential oil selected should strengthen air signs' intellectual intuition with fresh and smart breath, and at the same time calm his erratic personality with silky and sweet fragrance and lush and soothing grass fragrance, reduce tension and obtain long-lost peace. In order to achieve the former goal, aromatic essential oils such as green tea, bitter orange and chamomile can be used, and in order to achieve the latter goal, essential oils such as cocoa, strawberry, kiwi fruit and lavender can be used.

A strong sense of insecurity made air signs angry and acne.

People in air signs are eccentric, fond of the new and disgusted with the old, and emotional. When they are in a good mood, they do things smoothly; When you lose your balance in a certain way, you will become anxious, irritable and impulsive, often lose your endocrine system, and are prone to nightmares and cramps. Meteorological constellations often get a sense of stability by eating some irritating foods, while spices such as spicy and curry not only strengthen the impulsive characteristics of meteorological constellations, but also make them eat too much, which is easy to accumulate fat on their shoulders, waist and abdomen, and is also more likely to get angry, get acne and have large pores.

Get through the five senses spa and filter out the water elephant.

Constellations: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Suitable for SPA: facial features spa

Recommended SPA: five senses of boiling water to restore physical and mental peace.

The water sign can be said to be "like a duck to water" in the sPA. The professional five senses sPA course is helpful to stimulate the spirit of water sign, awaken the sleeping subconscious and improve the negative influence of fidgeting on water sign. The so-called Five Senses SPA means seeing (green plants, flowers and plants, flowing water), hearing (gurgling sound, relaxed environmental music), taste (organic fruit and vegetable drinks, flowers and plants tea to create a clean body away from sugar and additives), touch (moisturizing essential oil, seaweed and bath mud, hydrotherapy and various massages) and smell (fragrance with different curative effects). In terms of water pressure, choose a confused water sign as a gentle and delicate "bubble massage bath" nozzle. The tiny bubbles generated by ultrasound can fully massage and activate the skin, and also make the waist and buttocks tilt up, which is more sexy and attractive.

Aquarius can also learn the way of keeping in good health in SPA, such as staying away from greasy, spicy and salty seasonings, using masks and body films containing enzymes to promote "environmental protection in the body" and expel spots and acne marks on the skin as soon as possible to achieve a clear effect.

The best aromatherapy: noble and calm, teasing romantic imagination.

Noble and steady fragrance can stabilize the elusive personality of water signs. There must be sandalwood in the essential oil of aromatherapy. You can choose two or three kinds of essential oils symbolizing "unity of mind" such as lily, geranium, marjoram, thyme and jasmine to harmonize the low-key and gorgeous atmosphere.

It's hard to let go of the pressure and make the water sign anxious.

The most striking feature of water sign people is that they are particularly sensitive and considerate, and they have high requirements for others and themselves, which makes them always accompanied by tension, anxiety and uneasiness. Water signs like to eat sweets to relieve stress, and this kind of food deepens the symptoms of qi stagnation, yang deficiency and blood stasis in water signs, which makes water signs appear edematous obesity, and at the same time, the skin is easy to gather spots, and the incidence of seasonal sensitivity is higher than other signs.

Hot and cold interval bath to promote the metabolism of soil elephants

Constellations: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.

Suitable for hydrotherapy: hot and cold water bath

Recommended SPA: hot and cold bath interval bubbles, rapid decompression.

SPA four-handed massage is the most suitable decompression method for earth signs. Before massage, you can use hot and cold water bath to strengthen metabolism: first, soak in the "massage hot pool" to strengthen blood circulation, and promote the body to sweat naturally through warm and pressure massage; Then soaking alternately with the "cold pool" can promote the body temperature regulation function and help to discharge the waste in the body. You can also add different Chinese herbal medicine pools or tea wine pools with tea bags, sake and other ingredients in the intermittent bath. The latter can add different sweating conditioning ingredients according to the subtle differences in the constitution of the earth sign, so that the skin is ruddy and white and the fat burns unconsciously. The anhydrous enzyme wind that buries the whole person in the enzyme cedar powder is also a sPA project to promote fat burning. The delicate texture of the enzyme cedar powder is like sand, which is also in line with the instinct of the earth sign to value the touch of the soil and can make him feel at ease.

Best aromatherapy: subtle and elegant, adding peace of mind.

Earth signs are not suitable for warm and fragrant incense. The earth sign is particularly stubborn, and the fragrance that is too different from his personality will make him fidgety. Therefore, the characteristics of incense should reveal a subtle, loyal and stable atmosphere, and you can add a graceful floral or vanilla fragrance to slightly reverse the conservatism and stubbornness of the earth sign. Generally, a stable triangular aromatic structure is formed by the aroma of slightly acidic fruits such as musk, green tea and green apple. , you can also add one or two drops of rose, lavender or love grass essential oil.

Workaholic potential makes the muscles of the earth sign stiff and painful.

People in earth signs basically have the potential to become workaholics, and they like to do things in a planned, pragmatic and very cautious way. Most of them believe in the belief of "good grades, everything is fine", and their muscles are often tense because of overwork. People in earth signs are often too busy to eat on time, and always use exquisite foods such as cakes, bread and biscuits instead of dinner. Lack of crude fiber, vitamins and minerals makes the metabolism of people in earth sign slow, resulting in constipation, abdominal bulge, dull skin and acne.

Pool wall massage bath, impulsive fire elephant accumulates fat.

Constellations: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Suitable for SPA: massage bath

Recommended SPA: pool wall massage bath to relieve shoulder and back pain.

Water can conquer fire, so only hydrotherapy can calm the tension of fire sign and calm every cell. You can choose a pool wall massage bath to dispel the anxiety caused by the neglect of planning in Fire Sign. The rapid impulse of water flow in the pool wall can promote the flow of blood and lymph, strengthen the function of five internal organs and burn fat. The impulse water column of the pool wall massage bath is high or low, which fully adapts to the personality of fire sign "too lazy to move until the last moment" High water column can massage trapezius, levator scapulae, latissimus dorsi and move shoulders and back. Moderately high water column massage spine and erector spinae to correct hunchback; Moderately low water column can shape waist-hip curve; The lower water column can massage quadriceps femoris, biceps femoris and gastrocnemius muscles, shape and modify leg lines, and the gentle pulse of water can also remove aged horniness, activate skin cells and maintain skin luster and elasticity.

Taking a hot spring is lying on an ergonomic chair in the water. For the fire sign, it is like the top enjoyment of sitting on the throne. The water temperature of 38℃ carries the vibration of coarse bubbles, which stimulates the body and the effect of massage is very obvious.

The best fragrance: moist and rich, showing the confidence of the king.

If the fire sign is not confident, her intuition and adaptability will be reduced, and her anxiety will be further increased. Therefore, the fragrance used by the fire sign should highlight her queen-like self-confidence, and the rich, warm and noble essential oil can enhance the bold and cautious quality of the fire sign. The fragrant warmth usually comes from the smells of lavender, lover grass, orange blossom and mango, while the richness and nobility usually come from the smells of ylang ylang, vanilla, patchouli and juniper oil. The subtle combination of these smells can create a brave man who is keen, decisive, unconstrained and cautious.

Accumulate too much emotion. Let the fire sign shoulder and back ache.

People in the fire sign are basically impatient, so the positive personality of intuition first will make them ignore their plans and always think of ideas at the last minute, but there are too many "last-second tests" and the mental pressure is actually greater. Even ordinary actions such as playing computer and answering the phone can cause neck, shoulder and back pain. In terms of healthy eating, they seldom listen to other people's good advice, which often leads to a difficult weight loss problem because of overeating for a period of time.