Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Cancer man and Capricorn woman

Cancer man and Capricorn woman

Do Cancer boys and Capricorn girls match? In astrology, Cancer and Capricorn are just a pair of houses, which can be very lovers or lifelong enemies, depending on your cultivation.

Usually, you are destined to be attracted to each other at the first meeting. Capricorn is fascinated by her mother's gentle taste and understanding, and Cancer has a sense of security about her father's dignity and stability, so if it is a combination of male Capricorn and female Cancer, it is often easy to succeed, but if it is a combination of female Capricorn and male Cancer, it may happen that the wife eats the husband. You will have the same understanding of organizing a family, and soon you will open the skylight and have children, but after the child is born, the child may be the reason that affects your feelings. Because everyone pays attention to the children, which reduces the communication between them.

What you two have in common is still your family. Most of your expenses are spent on investment in family life, with little unnecessary waste, and you have a long-term savings plan.

In sexual life, Capricorn often interferes with their sexual interest because of work, making cancer doubt their attraction. It takes some efforts to pursue the unity of spirit and desire.

Do Capricorn women match Cancer men? He always likes to show off his wealth and ambition. Remind him that you are the only one willing to provide a safe haven.

Cancer man, no matter what he says orally, no matter how he denies it, he will willingly accept the love and consideration of others like a baby. At this point, he always takes advantage of Capricorn's strong sense of responsibility. Capricorn always tries her best to make her lover happy, but if she is asked to adapt to his changeable mood too much, she will be very dissatisfied, no matter how much she loves him.

To be fair, they are both a little selfish. At first glance, any couple is more selfish than the Cancer-Capricorn couple. He is always gentle, polite and considerate, and his attitude towards women is close to the old school, especially his Capricorn woman, which is his property in a sense. Cancer man thinks highly of his property, however, sometimes he takes more than he pays. If his lover doesn't do what he asks, it means that she doesn't love him ― at least not as much as his mother does.

If she is a typical Capricorn girl, she may be quite quiet, reserved and even somewhat inferior. Cancer man is in trouble, she will lend a helping hand, but she will never allow others to largely not use her, even her lover. She is very sensitive to her rights as a human being and will never allow others to violate them. She not only has the gentleness and charm of women, but also has a strong personality and independent mind. If she wants something, she will ask directly, relying on a sharp mouth and a pair of skillful hands. She does not hesitate to ask for what she likes, abandon what she doesn't like, and has no obedience and obedience to him. However, she doesn't fight fiercely against things that bother her, but just excludes them and carefully avoids meeting the same person or thing again, sometimes even never seeing each other again. Her attitude is very similar to that of Scorpio, but the same thing has a much greater negative impact on Scorpio's mood than Capricorn's.

Although Capricorn women are also very sensitive, they are not too much, but they should also be careful about Cancer Man, because he is a very sensitive and fragile person. To put it mildly, he is not as cheeky as her. If she criticizes him, or there is a contradiction between her and him, he will never let it go until she takes back what she said, indicating that she loves him very much and that he is not wrong. First, he will sweet talk or pretend to be humorous and make some casual jokes, then he will become tough, play the last trump card and pout unhappily. He will create various reasons to defend his position. After the quarrel, if the two sides have not reached an understanding, he can't be calm. If the Capricorn prefers to let the quarrel continue, she will shrink back into her shell ― she can't give in. Cancer stubbornly sticks to its own point of view, as they have shown in many things.

However, he is a gentleman after all, and he will do his best in the face of praise and encouragement. The Capricorn woman who loves him will continue to comfort him until he doesn't have to force her to admit how great he is and how much she worships him. His mother is like this. She always tells him that he is a good boy, and his opponents just don't understand him, but Cancer Man mistakenly understands this as that anyone who holds different views with him is his opponent, even the woman he loves. When he is an adult, he still wants to be understood and treated as a child. This is not unreasonable to him. Don't we all want his understanding? The difference is that most of us give up this desire early in life. Cancer men are regarded as their due rights, and they pursue them unremittingly ―― respect, understanding, love, friendship and appreciation.

To some extent, both of them are nostalgic, especially because he is often tortured by past memories. Sometimes, if he is allowed to realize his wish, he may go back to his old life. Sometimes he would sigh, "If only it could be like this." Capricorn is very sensitive to realize that the past scene is far better than the reality in the dream ... so she is more interested in creating a real present, with both the shadow of the past and a better life than the past. In a word, they didn't know each other in the past, they know each other today, and they will know each other better tomorrow. When she turns Chu's vivid imagination into tomorrow, their love will develop in a spiral direction. It hides the beginning and end of their love ...

Cancer boys and Capricorn girls. Capricorn girls have a hard personality, and their heads and hearts are as hard as stones, but sometimes they have a gentle and considerate side. Capricorn women have strong psychological endurance and are the easiest to accept and yield. In their hearts, love is not the most important thing, and there are many things more important than love. Capricorn who doesn't know love is vigorous, Capricorn who knows love is timid. In Capricorn's view of love, many things should be considered before you act, and material is more important than love.

Cancer boys are pragmatic, single-minded, practical and steady. Cancer man is shy, but confident. His manners are gentle and gentle, and he is very attractive to Capricorn. But he is also stubborn. In fact, this is very similar to the "hard" of Capricorn women. You are all stubborn.

Capricorn women and cancer men are very similar in character. You have no problem getting along together, it's just the length of time. The only problem may be that neither of them is so interesting, and life is a bit boring! But that doesn't stop you from getting along. As long as one of you can take the initiative, this situation will improve. Cancer man is a very insecure person. Capricorn woman should be patient and give him the best sense of security in order to completely open his heart. Cancer people are very sensitive. You should pay attention to your words and deeds. Your casual behavior can make him think for a while.

You get along well and are a loving couple. Because you are all stubborn people, if something goes wrong, both sides will stick to their own opinions and not listen to each other's suggestions, which is a bit bad. In fact, the understanding and affinity of the cancer man are the points that impress Capricorn women, but at the same time they are also defeated by the emotional and stubborn nature of the cancer man, which makes people speechless. Capricorn's tenderness and thoughtfulness are the favorite of cancer men, but its cold appearance and hard heart make cancer men feel insecure. Cancer man is a very sensitive person. Most of his hysteria and sentimentality are due to Capricorn. He just wants you to respond and pay more attention to him. At the same time, he also wants to know what you are thinking, so as to cater to you. The calmness and coldness of Capricorn women is an important reason for the emotional excitement of Cancer men.

Capricorn women and cancer men should learn from each other's strengths, not just see each other's shortcomings. Capricorn women may wish to be more gentle and considerate to Cancer men, so that they will feel your sincerity and feel safe. Capricorn women should not die to save face. Love life often needs some sweet words to adjust. You can talk more when Cancer men are emotionally unstable! Cancer men will be dead set if they like someone. If he loves you, he will treasure you. He is always gentle and humble, but his attitude towards you is excellent. In a way, you are his property, his whole. (End)

Note: The original articles of Constellation House cannot be reproduced without permission.

Will Capricorn and Cancer have love? Cancer and Capricorn-Little Fierce Cancer: People born from June 22nd to July 22nd A.D. Capricorn: People born from February 22nd to 065438+1October 20th A.D. Cancer and Capricorn have a calling index of love =40 when they get along with Capricorn people! The relationship between them is blowing! Not an ideal combination partner. Unless the other person has other life potential, the call index of men and women in love is excellent! Or each other's life magnetic direction fits perfectly! Otherwise, it is not suitable for you to rashly embark on the road of love between men and women. Cancer and Capricorn contact men and women! Cold first, then hot! When we first met! The advantages and temperament of each other attract each other! But in the process of communication! Capricorn lacks initiative! And too careful and lack of romantic performance! Therefore, it is difficult to last long. Capricorn's steadiness! Gu Jia! High loyalty! Deal with it in a down-to-earth manner! Cancer people will be very grateful! There is also cancer's enthusiasm, enthusiasm, active concern and consideration for others! It seems that Capricorn people will soon feel a sense of belonging to their families; But together for a long time! Cancer's generosity and gratitude will be rewarded! And they all care too much about their brothers and sisters! Therefore, Capricorn people are deeply headache! Even blame the cancer people for being emotional and irrational. Cancer people can't agree with Capricorn's principles and styles of dealing with people! Even after getting along, I will be disgusted! Sometimes I even hate Capricorn's procrastination and careful calculation. Cancer versus Capricorn! Only utilitarianism lacks the principle of friendship! It's an unrecognizable place. So the two sides have a dispute or disagreement on the conflict point between rationality and sensibility! Think carefully about your ambition! It is better to fall in love again. Before 30 years old! Sun constellation, the core monument of life, shows its 70% potential! Before 30 years old! The rising constellation, the core monument of life, shows its 30% potential! After 30 years old! The rising constellation, the core monument of life, shows its 70% potential! After 30 years old! Sun constellation, the core monument of life, shows its 30% potential! If in astrology! The core monument of life and the rising constellation! Not a complete exposition! Besides, parents have different personalities! Variety! Blood! Heredity! Mentor! Will teach children with different thinking and personalities! The relationship between men and women is a lesson in life! Its purpose = let you evolve yourself = understand true love! Love and romance must be based on mutual care! On the basis of being far away from home! We should be able to ask ourselves = respect, understanding, tolerance, dedication, cherish happiness and gratitude! So just look at (the Sun Constellation of Life Nuclear Monument) or (the Rising Constellation of Life Nuclear Monument) to discuss good or bad luck! Or simply watch the zodiac! Eight characters! Fight for good or ill! On learning philosophy of life! There seems to be a lot of room for discussion! Author: edited by Mr. O! Non-transmission data! Former: Director of Academic Research Department of Taipei Yi Society for 30 years. Philosophy! Numerology. Research! I think you should be a noble netizen! At this time you may have to be satisfied! We expect you to be satisfied with the above reply, click satisfied! thank you

Pairing index of Capricorn woman and Cancer man

Pairing score: 60. A pair that attracts and repels each other.

Constellation specific gravity: 50:50


Although the earth sign and the water sign are both negative signs, theoretically they should be a pair that can love each other, but Capricorn and Cancer are arranged in opposition of 180 degrees. Because they are homogeneous constellations, the difference between the two constellations will be extreme, either good or bad. But you two are attracted to each other, and it's quite predestined!

Capricorn will be moved by the crab's serious attitude and kindness. It will also be defeated by the crab's uncertainty and extremely insecure temper. In fact, the crab loves Capricorn's tenacity, stability and fatherly care, but it can't stand Capricorn's "deadpan". Crab can't see what's on your mind, how can you feel at ease?


Indeed, calm and even cold, you can affect the crab's mood emotionally, and you may not have discovered this superpower yet; I just think there is something wrong with sentimental and hysterical crabs. In fact, he is really sensitive, but 70% is because he expects your response; Besides hoping for your approval, I also want to know what you are thinking, so that I can adjust myself to suit you. This is because the crab has a strong sense of responsibility and self-demand, as well as traditional family values, just like you. To put it bluntly, crabs care about you!

Therefore, when getting along with crabs, we should make good use of the concept of catching up and catching up, and get along with him in a more mature and steady way. Your loyalty and trustworthiness give the crab considerable peace of mind, except for your soft words and thoughtfulness. You know, faithful love still needs sweet words to adjust, don't put down your figure, especially when he is emotionally unstable. Otherwise, the explosive power of the crab is still quite strong, and the speed of turning your face will not be much slower than turning pages.

What will happen to Cancer Men and Capricorn Women? Cancer (male)-Capricorn (female)

Cancer man, no matter what he says orally, no matter how he denies it, he will willingly accept the love and consideration of others like a baby. At this point, he always takes advantage of Capricorn's strong sense of responsibility. Capricorn always tries her best to make her lover happy, but if she is asked to adapt to his changeable mood too much, she will be very dissatisfied, no matter how much she loves him.

To be fair, they are both a little selfish. At first glance, any couple is more selfish than the Cancer-Capricorn couple. He is always gentle, polite and considerate, and his attitude towards women is close to the old school, especially his Capricorn woman, which is his property in a sense. Cancer man thinks highly of his property, however, sometimes he takes more than he pays. If his lover doesn't do what he asks, it means that she doesn't love him ― at least not as much as his mother does.

If she is a typical Capricorn girl, she may be quite quiet, reserved and even somewhat inferior. Cancer man is in trouble, she will lend a helping hand, but she will never allow others to largely not use her, even her lover. She is very sensitive to her rights as a human being and will never allow others to violate them. She not only has the gentleness and charm of women, but also has a strong personality and independent mind. If she wants something, she will ask directly, relying on a sharp mouth and a pair of skillful hands. She does not hesitate to ask for what she likes, abandon what she doesn't like, and has no obedience and obedience to him. However, she doesn't fight fiercely against things that bother her, but just excludes them and carefully avoids meeting the same person or thing again, sometimes even never seeing each other again. Her attitude is very similar to that of Scorpio, but the same thing has a much greater negative impact on Scorpio's mood than Capricorn's.

Although Capricorn women are also very sensitive, they are not too much, but they should also be careful about Cancer Man, because he is a very sensitive and fragile person. To put it mildly, he is not as cheeky as her. If she criticizes him, or there is a contradiction between her and him, he will never let it go until she takes back what she said, indicating that she loves him very much and that he is not wrong. First, he will sweet talk or pretend to be humorous and make some casual jokes, then he will become tough, play the last trump card and pout unhappily. He will create various reasons to defend his position. After the quarrel, if the two sides have not reached an understanding, he can't be calm. If the Capricorn prefers to let the quarrel continue, she will shrink back into her shell ― she can't give in. Cancer stubbornly sticks to its own point of view, as they have shown in many things.

However, he is a gentleman after all, and he will do his best in the face of praise and encouragement. The Capricorn woman who loves him will continue to comfort him until he doesn't have to force her to admit how great he is and how much she worships him. His mother is like this. She always tells him that he is a good boy, and his opponents just don't understand him, but Cancer Man mistakenly understands this as that anyone who holds different views with him is his opponent, even the woman he loves. When he is an adult, he still wants to be understood and treated as a child. This is not unreasonable to him. Don't we all want his understanding? The difference is that most of us give up this desire early in life. Cancer men are regarded as their due rights, and they pursue them unremittingly ―― respect, understanding, love, friendship and appreciation.

Typical Capricorn women are not good at this. She is realistic and sensitive. She felt that she should let him know that she loved him. She knew that even if they had differences for a while, it didn't mean that she hated him. Sensitive and extreme emotionalism makes Capricorn nervous, not unintentionally, but because she doesn't know how to respond properly and how to say and do accurately-she is afraid of doing something wrong, or would rather do nothing than hurt him again, even unintentionally.

She is too modest. She has a flexible mind that enables her to find answers that others can't. She also has a very reliable ability, that is, she concentrates on deliberation until the problem is solved, and her judgment is always accurate. Therefore, she should strive to put these abilities ... >>

Capricorn female with cancer male cancer (male)-Capricorn (female)

Cancer man, no matter what he says orally, no matter how he denies it, he will willingly accept the love and consideration of others like a baby. At this point, he always takes advantage of Capricorn's strong sense of responsibility. Capricorn always tries her best to make her lover happy, but if she is asked to adapt to his changeable mood too much, she will be very dissatisfied, no matter how much she loves him.

To be fair, they are both a little selfish. At first glance, any couple is more selfish than the Cancer-Capricorn couple. He is always gentle, polite and considerate, and his attitude towards women is close to the old school, especially his Capricorn woman, which is his property in a sense. Cancer man thinks highly of his property, however, sometimes he takes more than he pays. If his lover doesn't do what he asks, it means that she doesn't love him ― at least not as much as his mother does.

If she is a typical Capricorn girl, she may be quite quiet, reserved and even somewhat inferior. Cancer man is in trouble, she will lend a helping hand, but she will never allow others to largely not use her, even her lover. She is very sensitive to her rights as a human being and will never allow others to violate them. She not only has the gentleness and charm of women, but also has a strong personality and independent mind. If she wants something, she will ask directly, relying on a sharp mouth and a pair of skillful hands. She does not hesitate to ask for what she likes, abandon what she doesn't like, and has no obedience and obedience to him. However, she doesn't fight fiercely against things that bother her, but just excludes them and carefully avoids meeting the same person or thing again, sometimes even never seeing each other again. Her attitude is very similar to that of Scorpio, but the same thing has a much greater negative impact on Scorpio's mood than Capricorn's.

Although Capricorn women are also very sensitive, they are not too much, but they should also be careful about Cancer Man, because he is a very sensitive and fragile person. To put it mildly, he is not as cheeky as her. If she criticizes him, or there is a contradiction between her and him, he will never let it go until she takes back what she said, indicating that she loves him very much and that he is not wrong. First, he will sweet talk or pretend to be humorous and make some casual jokes, then he will become tough, play the last trump card and pout unhappily. He will create various reasons to defend his position. After the quarrel, if the two sides have not reached an understanding, he can't be calm. If the Capricorn prefers to let the quarrel continue, she will shrink back into her shell ― she can't give in. Cancer stubbornly sticks to its own point of view, as they have shown in many things.

However, he is a gentleman after all, and he will do his best in the face of praise and encouragement. The Capricorn woman who loves him will continue to comfort him until he doesn't have to force her to admit how great he is and how much she worships him. His mother is like this. She always tells him that he is a good boy, and his opponents just don't understand him, but Cancer Man mistakenly understands this as that anyone who holds different views with him is his opponent, even the woman he loves. When he is an adult, he still wants to be understood and treated as a child. This is not unreasonable to him. Don't we all want his understanding? The difference is that most of us give up this desire early in life. Cancer men are regarded as their due rights, and they pursue them unremittingly ―― respect, understanding, love, friendship and appreciation.

Typical Capricorn women are not good at this. She is realistic and sensitive. She felt that she should let him know that she loved him. She knew that even if they had differences for a while, it didn't mean that she hated him. Sensitive and extreme emotionalism makes Capricorn nervous, not unintentionally, but because she doesn't know how to respond properly and how to say and do accurately-she is afraid of doing something wrong, or would rather do nothing than hurt him again, even unintentionally.

She is too modest. She has a flexible mind that enables her to find answers that others can't. She also has a very reliable ability, that is, she concentrates on deliberation until the problem is solved, and her judgment is always accurate. Therefore, she should strive to put these abilities ... >>

Cancer male with Capricorn female Cancer (female)-Capricorn (male)

Cancer women have three dreams when they are attracted to Capricorn men. In order to realize these three dreams, she will spend every penny. There are three goals in her hard crab shell, and their order of importance may vary from person to person. All cancer women will have one of the following six different arrangements, namely:



Money, marriage and mother




Her needs are different from her goals. She has three needs, which are not primary and secondary, because they are equally important in her mind:


Cancer women are eager for these three needs in any interpersonal relationship, and their goals are often those three dreams. Nevertheless, what the cancer woman likes to do most is to weave a soft hotbed for her lover and provide her with a comfortable feeling. She is probably the most compassionate, caring, loyal and protective woman. At her best, she is devoted ―― adaptable and patient, and is undoubtedly the best companion for Capricorn to recognize men. Taurus is patient, but not adaptable, while Gemini is the opposite. Cancer women have both enviable advantages. As for investing in loved ones, although many women can do it, they are far less than cancer women. Capricorn women show special interest in the concept of "home" when they have the same interests as their loved ones. Because cancer people rule Jews, all cancer women are "Jewish mothers" (whether mothers or not). You will see that from the beginning, there is a great magic between the cancer woman and the Capricorn man, which closely connects them.

Cancer women always show a hint of helplessness and faint charm, and Capricorn men are more sensitive to this than men in any other constellation. What a cancer woman needs is a strong man to rely on and eliminate all her troubles. When she cries, the man should stretch out his broad arms. However, she is not as helpless as she looks. Cancer is the basic symbol of a leader. Once a cancer girl falls in love, she will gently control the fate of the person she loves. If there is no love, she will be a strong and ambitious woman, and she will do whatever it takes to climb to the top of her career.

Every cancer woman is secretly looking for a good supplier, and this person must be a Capricorn man. He is always ambitious (just like her) and always succeeds. In fact, he will always be the typical person she wants, but he can't be perfect-because she is an easily injured woman. On the contrary, she showed Capricorn the characteristics of the moon he longed for, but the effect was also unsatisfactory-because he could not understand her like a man with fragile feelings. So almost from the first moment of meeting, they can appreciate each other and understand each other, and it is not easy to misunderstand each other, which is a solid foundation for their love.

Capricorn men may be conservative, domineering and ambitious. Cancer woman doesn't care much about his conservative quality, because she is conservative herself. But if it weren't for love, he would never willingly accept the rule of others. When a cancer woman falls in love, she is willing to be ruled by Capricorn men at first, just to make the two sides live in harmony, but gradually, she will forget the role she is trying to play and really accept her ruled position-this is not a bad thing! Except for the cancer girl, no other constellation woman is so willing to be ruled by the man she is obsessed with. If this man can be domineering, gentle and caring, then he will certainly be able to control the cancer girl.

Capricorn is very interesting. They often change their faces in order to escape the strict control imposed by the cancer love girl. But at the critical moment, they will show their "heroic qualities." In other words, no matter what attitude they hold and what they do at the moment, they are still themselves. Generally speaking, Capricorn men strongly oppose the so-called "open marriage". He is quite conservative in marriage. But in his speech, the topic of marriage is always mentioned from time to time. He thinks that a woman's position should be at home, since he allowed his wife to go out to work or start a business ... >; & gt

Why do Cancer boys ignore Capricorn girls? what can I say?

I am a boy in Cancer. Cancer people prefer romance and sentiment. He cares more about a feeling, whether you are in love or friendship. Anyway, if you want Cancer to care about you, you should give him a good impression. I usually think Capricorn is too dull (I hope you are angry, hehe), so he naturally thinks that you are not interested in him, and he naturally doesn't want to talk to you. In this case, you should take the initiative to find him and let him think that you are actually an interesting person, and he will naturally not neglect you. However, there is another situation where you think about whether you have done something to annoy him. If he snubbs you like this, he probably hates you. Because Cancer is very sensitive, you may be careless about what you don't care about doing, but he is very sensitive. He will naturally be unhappy and choose to have a cold war with you. In this case, there are several solutions. First, of course, it is the right medicine, provided that you can find the knot. There is also a natural way to play with him or be considerate and care about him on weekdays, provided that he has a good impression on you, then he will naturally speak first.

What is the fate index of Capricorn woman and Cancer man? Speed dating index friendship:


Marriage: Emotion: Love Advice In astrology, Cancer and Capricorn are just opposite houses. They can be very lovers or lifelong enemies, depending on your cultivation.

Usually, you are destined to be attracted to each other at the first meeting. Capricorn is fascinated by her mother's gentle taste and understanding, and Cancer has a sense of security about her father's dignity and stability, so if it is a combination of male Capricorn and female Cancer, it is often easy to succeed, but if it is a combination of female Capricorn and male Cancer, it may happen that the wife eats the husband. You will have the same understanding of organizing a family, and soon you will open the skylight and have children, but after the child is born, the child may be the reason that affects your feelings. Because everyone pays attention to the children, which reduces the communication between them.

You two are in the same place or family. Most of your expenses are spent on investment in family life, and there are few other unnecessary wastes, and you have long-term savings.

In sexual life, Capricorn often interferes with their sexual interest because of work, making cancer doubt their attraction. It takes some efforts to pursue the unity of spirit and desire. The landlord constellation is just a reference, and it is not necessarily accurate to say that the girls in Cancer are gentle. My friends say that I am not gentle at all. You and he will be happy as long as they feel right in the future, but still give him a sense of security.