Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Film Review The Legend of the White Snake 2: The Green Snake Being Robbed: Persistence and Release of Obsession

Film Review The Legend of the White Snake 2: The Green Snake Being Robbed: Persistence and Release of Obsession

? Recently, my boyfriend and I watched a national romance movie-Legend of the White Snake 2: The Green Snake Robbery.

? The reason why I firmly chose to go to see this movie is because its front part, The Legend of the White Snake: The Origin, is a work of conscience and a light of the country. I watched "The Legend of the White Snake: The Origin" twice in the video software, and I appreciated it from my heart every time. Although some new story elements have been added to the original love story of White Snake, the tear-jerking effect has not diminished, which makes the audience feel refreshed and impressed.

? 12 o'clock sharp, the movie "The Legend of the White Snake 2: The Green Snake Robbery" ended. Listening to the ending song of Charlie's Ask for Flowers, my boyfriend and I stretched out and praised the animation special effects, but didn't touch the theme too much, especially me. After reading it, I felt very heavy and complicated, and my mind was a little confused. First of all, I am constantly filled with endless violent fighting scenes.

? After nearly a week of deliberation, without watching any film reviews, I took out the most prominent theme of this film and shared it with you:

? People should learn to let go.

? Everything is regular, and personal interests are very small in front of the sky, no matter whether it is fair or not in your eyes.

? If you are too obsessed with your unattainable obsession, you will only bring endless pain to yourself.

? Even if you realize your persistent desire, it is not necessarily the desired result. It's better to let go and follow the fate.

? Shura City, from the Dabao Sutra: "Four evil ways-hell, hungry ghost, wild animal and Xiuluo Road. Shura Road, one of the six roads. All beings in the world, I am persistent, more aggressive, and fall into shura. " People who enter this city of Shura are not reincarnated because of their obsession. Everyone has to endure all kinds of hardships in Shura City. There are four disasters like the end of the world, green ghosts that can bite the alienated living like zombies, and the predatory violence of other monsters that are more dangerous to fall into Shura City, especially the brutal killing of other heterogeneous groups by cattle and horses. These are the survival challenges that every creature in Shura City has to face.

? Only if they are willing to let go of their obsession, or get rid of it passively in the killing of Shura City, or take the initiative to jump out of the pool and wash away their obsession, can they leave Shura City and enter the cycle of life. For example, after the granddaughter who saved Xiaoqing was killed by the cattle and horses, Yuan Shen floated up and left Shura City. After that, Xiaoqing followed Luo Cha to help Wang Sima's officers go to the supermarket in Wan Yi to buy materials. Only then did she learn the secret of Wuchi from the boss of the fox, and also witnessed that the peach blossom demon who had been hesitated for a long time finally put down her obsession and jumped into Wuchi to escape into reincarnation.

? However, Xiaoqing, who is strong in nature and does not give up easily, is doomed not to be destroyed or washed away as a "weak person", but to survive in danger with the strong will to defeat Fahai and save her sister, superb survival skills and the help of some "noble people" such as Miss Sun, masked man and Sima Guan. In addition, Fox, the proprietress of Wan Yi Supermarket, helped her out of trouble several times intentionally or unintentionally, and pointed out the direction of struggle for the purpose of trading.

? As a result, Xiaoqing is still in high spirits under the harsh living environment.

? Xiaoqing learned the way to leave Shura City with memory from the supermarket proprietress fox-enduring all kinds of hardships in the black wind tunnel of Shura City training ground. If the cultivation is successful, there will be a passage at the end of the snake in Shura City: If the bridge. At the moment of robbery, join in and you can enter the real world through the if bridge.

? Therefore, the masked men traveling with Xiaoqing desperately resisted the damage of the four robberies to the multi-legged bus driven by the spider spirit, the carrier of the black wind tunnel, and bought time for Xiaoqing. Xiaoqing also struggled for a long time in the empty cave and the mirage in the French Sea. From spring to winter, the four seasons have been repeated for twenty years and have been beaten out countless times. In the end, Xiaoqing defeated the failed Fahai and overturned the Leifeng Tower.

? At this time, Shura City only took one day.

? At this time, the beautiful petals slowly rose from the ground into the air, and a rattan bridge slowly extended from the tail of the snake cloud over Shura City.

? Finally, Xiaoqing and the masked man were in running all the way on Ruoqiang Bridge, and when they were about to reach the lower half of Fudian Bridge, they were unfortunately blocked by gas robbery, green ghost and horsehead. In order to fulfill Xiaoqing, the masked man was deliberately bitten by the king who turned into a green ghost, but alienated into a green ghost, and desperately sent Xiaoqing to the end of the bridge-the snake head returned to the entrance in the first round.

? At the moment of separation of life and death, the masked man finally remembered his obsession that he couldn't see clearly in the pool-the blurred face under the golden light turned out to be Xiaoqing! At that time, Xiaoqing stood on the edge of the cliff, constantly reaching out and dragging himself, and he was soon sucked into the Leifeng Tower, and he himself was a small white reincarnated into a modern teenager after the collapse of the Leifeng Tower.

? At this moment, the scene of sisters' separation is similar to the opening, which can be said to echo each other. Xiaoqing desperately tried to save Xiaobai, but she always had to face the tragic ending of Yin and Yang. People can't help feeling that Xiaoqing's unforgettable person is actually by her side. At first, she struggled to leave Shula City, but in the end she missed her sister Xiaobai. Good collapse!

? Therefore, in the film, there are only two results in clinging to obsession: first, the soul is restless, clinging to the memories of past lives, unwilling to abandon the objects of obsession and sustenance, and can only suffer in the purgatory-like Shura city until it is put down, such as Miss Sun, Peach Blossom Demon and Fat Scholar; Second, if you try to realize your obsession, you may still lose the most important things, such as Xiaoqing.

? It is worth mentioning that Xiaoqing returned to modern Hangzhou in the egg part of the film. Some characters in the city of Shura also appeared. For example, the peach blossom demon waiting for her lover has a boyfriend who loves her; Miss sun became a lecturer in the museum; Fat scholar is also in Hangzhou. All these people were reincarnated successfully and had a good ending.

? This further proves that the obsession that runs through the film is actually a bondage to the self. If we let go of our "self-obsession" as soon as possible, perhaps the wind and water will turn, and our original intention may not be able to settle in a corner in the future.

? The mention of obsession reminds me of one thing. When I was in college, I often saw a crazy woman with long hair and glasses in the flower bed in front of the college. She has been pacing up and down in the flower bed in front of the college, looking around, with her schoolbag and some books beside her, and sometimes smiling, but she never bothers the past teachers and classmates, but just stays there quietly. At that time, I was surprised. I don't know why there are still lunatics in school. Later, I learned from other students that this girl used to study very well and belonged to our college, but she didn't get into the target college after several years of postgraduate entrance examination and gradually became mentally abnormal. After hearing this reason, I suddenly felt sad and sorry for this senior. If she had let herself go, she might have a successful career, a happy family, a new turn for the better in life and a good daughter at home.

? In life, there are indeed some people with strong personalities and high demands on themselves who are easily stimulated after being frustrated, and then go to extremes, leading to tragedies.

? So, sometimes I think, is that obsession really worth torturing ourselves until we reach our goal?

? Of course, after careful consideration, we can choose to stick to it while keeping our spirit from collapsing. For example, Gou Jian, the king of Yue, endured humiliation and worked hard for ten years, and finally tasted the bitter fruit of revenge; For example, many writers in the world have some "obsessions" in their hearts. With their childhood literary dreams and higher life pursuits, we can get to know each other and get together here, and gain a lot of benefits in "one day", become better ourselves and live the life we want.

Therefore, "obsession" with clear direction and reasonable persistence is actually "ideal", while blind persistence for a single goal is "obsession" in my opinion.

? This reminds me of Tang, a nail in the coffin of the college entrance examination. He took the college entrance examination from 20 10 for more than ten years, during which he gave up the admission of Southwest University of Political Science and Law, China University of Political Science and Law, Jilin University and Chongqing University, only to be admitted to the favorite University of Science and Technology of China. Perhaps his insistence has his reasons, but I don't quite agree with his practice of wasting good time on unnecessary famous school complex and never bringing hope to poor families. Besides, all the universities he entered were very good. If these schools are only professional counterparts and still have great advantages, this boy can seize the opportunity to study hard for further study, and may have been at home now. However, it took him about a year after he was admitted to China University of Political Science and Law. Because my father needed money for cancer, he dropped out of school for the reward of 20 thousand high marks, and since then he has entered the non-stop college entrance examination cycle. That's a real pity.

? Things are always unpleasant in this world. We all want to be winners in life, but this is never the end of the story. Therefore, everything can't be too demanding. Life must do something sometimes, and life is not forced.

? If we try our best and still can't touch it, then we should calm down and think: Is this goal too high and beyond our ability? Is it worth continuing to insist? If the ultimate goal of our life is happiness, then isn't it looking for a bridge that really suits us and turning around to find another way out after suffering?

? Therefore, when we see the reality clearly and ourselves clearly, and don't want to go all the way to darkness, let go of our obsession with Wuzhishan and try to open another window of life. Maybe when we turn around, a bright future will appear.