Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Look at the photos and guess the constellation analysis

Look at the photos and guess the constellation analysis

50 circles test your sincerity.

Choose your favorite circle, and then look at the analysis below.

0 1 healer

You live with your heart and feelings. Your heart is soft and loving, and you can stand in the other person's position. The constellation represented by the circle 1 is Virgo, which means that you are used to taking care of others and have the characteristics of maternal love. Your difficulties and challenges: Do you feel unable to breathe? I feel that there is no extra space in my chest for fresh air to enter. Have you felt heartbroken recently? Or, do you feel that your heart has not been cared for and cherished for a long time? If you choose this round one, you really need to connect your hearts and let your sadness out.

Open your heart and you will release energy: intuition. Can help others find their way. Ability to be an artist, teacher and therapist.

No.02 empty valley

You are a person who likes to be close to nature, and the seaside in the mountains is where you wander. You are used to living your own life alone. You are also a person with "heart energy". You can connect your heart, and you can also express it through your heart, so your words have touching power. Your difficulties and challenges: Can you express your feelings freely? I think not. This often leads to chest tightness and poor cardiopulmonary function. How long has it been since you talked to your friends? How long has it been since you opened your heart to others? Is your heart bound by a serious mentality, making you forget how to play games? Make you forget your inner humor?

Open your heart and you will release energy: you are a selfless person, connected with your subconscious and inner voice. Discover the hidden secrets in life and interpret them.

No.03 yogi

You are a center-oriented, steady, Zen-like simplicity and simple quality, but it also connects your heart and feelings. You are a carefree person, and you can make the world your home. Your difficulties and challenges: Are you indecisive and often difficult to make a decision? Can't find the direction of life, can't find your own stage? Because you really don't know what you want. The deep reason for this phenomenon is that you are used to hiding yourself.

Open your heart and you will release energy: you are a loyal person and live a life that belongs to the center; Although there are ups and downs in life, I still believe in the operation of the whole universe, "work hard and have fun", and no matter what kind of task, I will complete it perfectly and thoroughly.

04 haoguang

You are a very gentle person, with feminine tenderness. You are kind and tolerant and you are willing to take care of others. Your difficulties and challenges: "I want to love" is the message represented by this circle. Why are you so eager for love? Do you expect a romantic evening, when a charming partner will send you a bunch of flowers and have a romantic dinner together? If that person hasn't appeared yet, why not love yourself more, send yourself a bunch of beautiful women and take yourself to a delicious dinner? You may ask: how to love yourself? Then I'll tell you: accept yourself for all, good or bad.

Open your heart and you will release energy: you are eager to know yourself and realize self-awareness (for example, through therapy, meditation, etc. ), accept your destiny with a positive and pragmatic attitude.

Tilia amurensis No.05

You are a talented person, and the treatment mentioned here belongs to spiritual treatment. At the same time, you have a strong intuition and are sensitive to the emotions and energy of people around you. The constellation that represents this circle is Ursa major, which means that you are a person who can face the reality, very practical, and can face the limitations in real life humorously. Your difficulties and challenges: Have you encountered anything that makes you sad recently? Or have you encountered anything that made you sad before? These sorrows in your heart make you feel empty and at a loss.

Open your heart and you will release energy: a powerful and authoritative person (positive sense) with spiritual strength. Stick to your beliefs even in the most unfavorable environment.

06 Hao rainbow

This circle is closely related to the energy of Venus, so your soul is deeply connected with the energy of love and beauty. This circle also implies that you have the talent to be a matchmaker, and you can help people around you find a soul mate. This circle shows that you are a romantic and like the feeling of beauty, elegance and enjoyment. Your difficulties and challenges: Do you have headaches, insomnia and upset thoughts? Think about it, have you accumulated a lot of words recently, and many feelings have not been expressed? If not recently, it may be that you are used to suppressing your feelings, which leads to your chest tightness and shortness of breath.

Open your heart, you will release energy: a person who can teach students in accordance with their aptitude, awaken others to love themselves, has extraordinary personal characteristics, is honest and mature, and is dedicated to happiness.

07 Hao Yu

You are a clean soul, always guarding your family and friends like an angel. Part of you is very sensitive and fragile. This sensitivity and thinness enable you to observe the emotions and inner world of others, just like the name "wings" of this circle. Your difficulties and challenges: You are like a mirror of the soul, which can truly reflect the state of others. Your inner wealth is like a rainbow. You can feel happy when you are connected with heaven. You can easily adapt to the environment and blend in quickly. In a new environment, there are endless tears hidden in your heart, which may be due to recent events or accumulated from past or even childhood experiences. These hidden tears make you headache, dizzy, confused and unable to concentrate.

Open your heart and you will release energy: occupation is often related to psychotherapy, psychology or psychotherapy. I love life, have a lot of energy to communicate with people, have deep faith in my heart, and I am probably a very devout person. I feel that I am "one" with God and existence. Be aware of your purpose in life.

08 Hao floriculture zhe

You are a seemingly soft and kind-hearted person, but you exude a firm and inviolable power from your heart, with toughness. Green means you feel comfortable and stress-free. Your difficulties and challenges: Do you think you are a woman living in a man's body or a man living in a woman's body? If you are troubled by this, I hope the sunshine dew can help you.

Open your heart and you will release energy: a pioneer who always looks at things with fresh views. He is also a reliable, happy and honest person.

Tuotu 09

You are both active and passive. You can communicate enthusiastically with others, or you can be alone quietly. The name of this circle is "Tuotu", so you are an action-oriented person and can lead people around you to do something. Your difficulties and challenges: Do you often feel that you are swinging between two extremes? Sometimes it's hot and outgoing, sometimes it's calm and introverted. Sometimes it's like a volcanic eruption, sometimes it's like being in the deep sea.

Open your heart and you will release energy: a reformer who wants to change customs. Dedicate yourself to peace, protect others, and hope to give the best to mankind.

10 Pharaoh

Are you interested in Egypt? Still feel very connected with Egypt? This circle has the quality of a king. Have you found that your soul has the quality and dignity of a king? The constellation representing this circle is Perseus, which means that you give people a mysterious and unknown feeling, and you can't figure out who you really are. Your difficulties and challenges: You are always chasing after desires, material, emotional, spiritual … all kinds of desires. You try to fill yourself with hope and sunshine.

Open your heart and you will release energy: those who arrange their lives according to their dreams have the courage to change and enjoy the realization of their goals in life.

Poet 1 1

There is a poetic and romantic temperament in your soul. You have the gift of creation, and the source of creation is your heart and inspiration from heaven. When you are creating, you will feel an energy coming at you. It is this energy that creates, not you. The constellation representing this circle is "Northern Corona", which means that you have a deep quality of "trust". Your difficulties and challenges: Have you often felt disappointed and desperate recently? Do you feel chest tightness, shortness of breath and suffocation? Feel deeper, do you still have some sadness in your heart? This kind of sadness makes you close your heart, so you don't need to feel it.

Open your heart and you will release energy: be interested in spirituality and the mysteries hidden in life, and experience happiness by loving people and helping them to connect with their spirituality.

12 Shu Jing

Your intuition is very strong. Sometimes, through your intuition, you will say something very wise. Your mind is jumping. At first glance, it doesn't make sense, but there are also mysteries. Your difficulties and challenges: sometimes you will fall into inexplicable anger and confusion, and your thoughts will be confused and you will not be calm. You actually have keen intuition, but you can't trust your own intuition. You often use reason and logic to suppress your inner voice.

Open your heart, you will release energy: have personal charm and self-cultivation, give others warmth, support and attention, feel calm, know the power of nature, live in the present and communicate with others clearly.

13 blue whale circle

You have the characteristics of a blue whale: like to play, love to laugh, be humorous, and be close to people. At the same time, you have strong intuition and creativity. Your difficulties and challenges: you want to play and relax, but you can't play and relax. Your mind tells you not to express your inner feelings and feelings incisively and vividly. Your mind makes you serious, your mind can't allow you to be comfortable, and your mind kills your imagination and intuition.

Open your heart and you will release energy: an artist who works for peace, connected with intuition and inner guidance. Efforts to achieve the purpose of life are reformers who do not allow authority or authoritative people to oppose their own goals.

Narcissus 14

You are a versatile and creative person. But you are used to hiding your inner rainbow. The constellation representing this circle is Ophiuchus, which means that you are a good communicator and creative person. Your difficulties and challenges: you are used to hiding your own light. Although you have rich connotations, you can't share them with others. Long-term hiding leads to habitual depression.

Open your heart and you will release energy: know his or her ideals and be able to realize them.

Lava 15

You look calm on the outside, but you have a fiery heart. Just like the boiling magma on the seabed, unlike the violent volcanic eruption, it pours into the sea quietly with ultra-high heat and energy. This circle is called "lava". Your difficulties and challenges: Are you depressed? You feel that you are at the bottom of a deep sea. You feel dark, cold and lack of sunshine. You can't find anyone, and you probably don't want to.

Open your heart and you will release energy: turn your thoughts into actions, see things clearly and have extraordinary insight.

Butterfly 16

You are connected with the angel's energy. You may have had a third kind of intimate contact with angels or aliens. Your people feel the same as this circle: clean and lovely. You are destined to have spirituality, religion or practice. If you have contact meditation, you can easily feel deep peace. Your difficulties and challenges: you have a faint sadness, a little autistic, and you always lack that kind of strength and are listless. You have some dreams, and your ideas are always unrealistic. You don't want to get in touch with people, do nothing, but feel lonely, unable to enjoy solitude, unable to get peace.

Open your heart and you will release energy: a reformed person, liberating himself and others, shouldering the task of peace, connecting with God, transforming God's will in a pragmatic way and creating together with God.

17 Babylon

Explain that your soul essence is related to Babylon, so you may be interested in or particularly yearning for ancient Babylonian civilization. You have easy access to spiritual information and knowledge and the ability to teach others, so you may be a spiritual teacher. Your difficulties and challenges: Do you believe you have intelligence? It's not that you read a lot of books and listened to many people's foreign intelligence, but that it comes from your inner intelligence.

Open your heart and you will release energy: it has the power to change the world. At the same time, to understand this change, you must start from one's inner self, find freedom from action, enjoy the acquisition of knowledge and pass it on to others.

Lotus 18

This round constellation is "Little Bear", which shows that you are a very resilient person. In the face of challenges and hardships in life, you can always regard them as opportunities for growth. You have the characteristics of water, flexible and inclusive. Your difficulties and challenges: the constellation representing this circle is "Ursa minor", which means "growing up in misery", so do you feel that your life is always not smooth? Maybe your life now is like being in the deep sea, a little depressed, lacking sunshine, as if you can't find a way out.

Open your heart and you will release energy: a peaceful person who responds with the feeling of "heart". It has a deep connection with personal feelings and instinctive intelligence.

19 seagull

You are a peace-loving person with strong intuition. Your presence can soothe the hearts of people around you. This circle is like an ocean, so it also implies that you like to be close to the ocean, which always brings you peace and relaxation. The constellation representing this circle is "Pegasus", which means that you feel very keen, and you can observe very subtle things and connect with the sky. Your difficulties and challenges: Are you speechless? Do you have too much to hide in your heart? Because there are too many words left unsaid, you can't get inner peace.

Open your heart, you will release energy: love peace, live in harmony with yourself, and promise to pursue peace. Make good use of throat-related ideas (such as speeches) and support others.

Sunset rain on the 20th

You have the ability to integrate different things and face extreme situations. The essence of your soul carries the quality of intelligence, belonging to the new era, not the old traditional ideas, so you may have insight and intelligence different from ordinary people. Your Difficulties and Challenges: Do you know the difference between being smart and being smart? The former comes from the outside world, such as books, knowledge and suggestions from others; The latter comes from within you and from your own life experience. You may be clever, but you lack wisdom.

Open your heart and you will release energy: an inspired person in the new era, a very important pioneer, and combine with his inner wisdom to spread the concept of harmony and balance, and feel deep joy.

2 1 toddler

You are a person who likes games and fun. You often giggle like a child, and your laughter will infect people around you. Your senses are very sensitive. You value the taste and enjoyment of life. Your difficulties and challenges: You feel insecure. You may have had a terrible experience recently or in the past, and that terrible experience still affects you. Because of insecurity, you may be overly sensitive, unable to trust others or the new environment, and unable to truly show everything about yourself.

Open your heart, you will release energy: a very independent person, creative, with deep intuitive intelligence, learning by teaching others, smart and careful, not going too far, taking the initiative in everything, can feel deep joy.

Harvest 22

You are a sunny person, who can always bring happiness to people around you, just like sunshine, and melt people's cold hearts. You are a smart and rational person, good at logical thinking, and you know exactly what you want. Your difficulties and challenges: you only pay attention to the goal and not to the process. You like to pursue desire but ignore the process of enjoyment. You are a rational person. You are good at planning and attach importance to logic, but you ignore your feelings, your intuition and your heart.

Open your heart and you will release energy: a kind and harmonious "sunshine" figure, which can also be reflected in your actions (for example, you may have a talent for dancing) and follow the flow of nature and life.

Kiwi number 23

You like freedom, but you don't like being bound. The name of this circle is kiwi, which means that you are kind-hearted, have a sense of justice and often stand up for others. You show your sincerity through your enthusiasm for people. Your difficulties and challenges: Do you feel that you are always at a loss? If you are troubled by this, this kiwi can help you. If you choose this circle, you may encounter a breakup or divorce agreement.

Open your heart and you will release energy: you are a successful person, diligent, dedicated, energetic and decision-making. Be firm and depend on yourself.

No.24 lion

You are a leader and a king. You know how to make full use of your energy. You often bring sunshine and enthusiasm to people around you, and you know how to get what you want. The constellation representing this circle is Auriga, which means that you are smart and learn through experience, not through the knowledge waiting for death in books. Your difficulties and challenges: Are you afraid you can't live? Do you lack self-confidence? Or you try to control your life, your friends, your lover and your subordinates to hide your fear of survival and inferiority. In order to survive, you often have a stomachache because of nervousness.

Open your heart and you will release energy: you have a lot of energy and you can express it all. Full of energy and personality.

No.25 wise man

You are a very smart person, you can think independently, you don't follow blindly, and you have a clear vision of the world. Your difficulties and challenges: Are you often bullied? Are your boundaries often violated? Do you feel neglected? If so, may I ask you: Do you value yourself? Do you think you are valuable?

Open your heart and you will release energy: at every level of life, you are a farmer, which means farming and harvesting, living in harmony with the rhythm of nature and looking at things from a "natural" perspective.

26 th Antarctic

You are a passionate, direct, active and responsible person with the characteristics of a leader. The name of this circle is "Antarctic", so you should be independent and brave to be yourself, that is, present yourself like me. Your difficulties and challenges: you can't be yourself. You are always worried about other people's opinions and influenced by them. This stems from your lack of self-confidence and courage to be yourself. If you lack self-confidence, you may be at the other extreme: controlling because of fear, blaming others and being self-centered.

Open your heart and you will release energy: there is deep wisdom in it and you can express it. It is very close to the moment of awakening, which means that it has gone through a long journey in self-exploration.

Break up on the 27th.

You are a family-oriented and homesick person. You are very emotional and like the feeling of a group of people together. The 27th lap is called "Parting", so you can really connect with your heart when facing the situation of change and separation. The constellation representing this circle is Capricorn, which means that you like to do things neatly and can cut the gordian knot quickly. Your difficulties and challenges: Are you afraid to leave? Are you afraid of change? Are you afraid of getting lost? Looking back on the past experiences of parting, death, change and loss, have you really let go of these experiences? Still sad, still obsessed with the past? Because you can't put it down, you have a small note from a friend ten years ago, your old clothes when you were a child, a photo of your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend, and a sentence your primary school teacher told you. ...

Open your heart, and you will release energy: become a leader who clearly and kindly transmits knowledge, and at the same time confirm your vision.

Venus on the 28th.

Venus is the goddess in charge of love and beauty, so you have a natural sense of beauty. Your appearance, manners and clothes all exude beautiful qualities. Besides, you exude the energy of love and have a good relationship. Your difficulties and challenges: Do you feel that no one loves you and no one knows you? Do you feel lonely and often misunderstood? If so, think about it. Are you used to expressing your inner feelings and feelings?

Open your heart and you will release energy: a person who is self-sufficient in all aspects of life needs no outside help, is self-reliant and has internal strength.

Palm tree 29

You are kind-hearted, caring, gentle and compassionate. Getting along with you can make people relax and have no pressure. You like nature and simplicity. The constellation representing this circle is Lyra, which means that you are a free-flowing person and can change with the flow of life. Your difficulties and challenges: Do you often have heart palpitations for no reason? Do you have any unwarranted fears? If you listen to your heart carefully, you will find that your heart is telling you: I am so sad! You have accumulated too many feelings in your heart, and you have never faced them squarely.

Open your heart, and you will release energy: a person who only leads but does not control the other side will give others room to grow. Care about human problems from the heart, recognize what needs to be done and complete it.

Ling Bing No.30

You are a person who likes to laugh. Your smile is like a lemon, giving people a fresh feeling. You have a strong intuition, and you can learn without a teacher. You are rational, emotional, calm and humorous. Your difficulties and challenges: do you often swing between the two poles, sometimes high, sometimes melancholy; Sometimes I laugh, and sometimes I suddenly fall into inexplicable anger.

Open your heart and you will release energy: you have the gift of extrasensory, connect with the higher self, have the knowledge of occultism, have a clear direction in life and set an example to teach others.

3 1~50 Due to the limitation of words, the part of personality analysis cannot be listed for the time being. Please forgive me. No.365438 +0 Soul Singer No.32 Brocade Robe No.33 Acorus No.34 Iris No.35 Blazing Angel No.36 Stream No.37 Lingquan No.38 Lily of the Valley No.39 Jungle No.40 Barker No.465438 +0 Pebbles No.42 Furong No.43 Coast No.44 Land No.45 Tongling No.46 Rongyuan No.47 Cure No.48 Dream No.49 Boulder No.50 Garden

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