Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - What is the complaint telephone number of Country Garden Property?

What is the complaint telephone number of Country Garden Property?

400-968-8888 Customer National Service Hotline

400-89 1-9338 group customer service hotline

The telephone number of property complaints is 12358, as follows:

1. The direct administrative department of the property management company is the local real estate administrative department, such as the local housing authority;

2. If you want to complain about other contents of the property management company, the parties can choose to go to the local real estate administrative department, but the telephone numbers of the real estate administrative departments in different provinces and cities are different, so you can call 1 14 to inquire;

3. The parties who complain about the property can also find property managers, street offices, housing management departments, industry committees, developers and complaint agencies;

When you complain about the property, you should find the corresponding department to complain according to the complaint. If it is because of cost-related issues, such as unreasonable property fees and parking spaces, you can find the local price bureau to vote. You can call 12358 to complain or complain to the local price bureau. The Municipal Price Bureau is responsible for guiding the property service enterprises to publicize the property service charges, and conducting supervision and inspection on the property service charges.

legal ground

"Regulations on Property Management" Article 48 The real estate administrative department of the local people's government at or above the county level shall promptly handle the complaints of owners, owners' committees, property users and property service enterprises in property management activities. There are several ways to complain about the property:

First, talk to the property manager. If it is a minor problem of property management, or the attitude of the property staff is not good, just ask the property manager. Strictly speaking, the property manager is the highest decision-maker of residential property and has great management autonomy.

Second, find a street office. Sub-district offices are under the jurisdiction of the people's government of the jurisdiction, responsible for the comprehensive management of the implementation of policies and cultural construction in the jurisdiction, and have the right to accept and assist in property complaints and consultation.

Third, find the housing management department. The housing management department, namely the Housing Management Bureau, is generally responsible for: housing security, construction, system reform, market supervision, property management and housing management policy changes and supervision and implementation. Whether the Housing Authority can manage it mainly depends on whether there is a direct administrative subordinate relationship between the Housing Authority and the property company. If it matters, then everything should be taken care of. If it doesn't matter, it mainly supervises the pricing standards and service contents of property companies.

Fourth, find the industry Committee. The owners' committee, referred to as the industry committee, is composed of the owners' representatives in the property management area, and the members of the industry committee are elected. Therefore, to a large extent, it will take the interests of the owners as the starting point, reflect the wishes and requirements of the owners, and supervise the management and operation of the property management company. Acceptable complaints from owners.

5. Developers. The general practice in China is that after the development of residential areas, developers choose companies that have business relations with them or property companies established by developers themselves for management. Such property companies often have to bear too much pressure on the quality of repairs for developers, so finding such properties can generally solve the corresponding housing quality and repair problems. Developers are also obliged to accept such complaints.

6. Complaint institution. Third-party property complaint mediation agencies such as "loyal servants" are the product of the rapid development of the Internet era. Owners can find this complaint platform to complain. The advantage is that complaints will be followed up quickly, and owners do not need to waste time and energy to deal with the property.