Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - 12 constellation with Vae song.

12 constellation with Vae song.

1. Earth image

Taurus: A Representative Song —— On the Constellation Book

Commentary: I am not confident enough to know how to communicate with my partner, but I often say to myself in my feelings, "I don't trust each other enough, or there are cracks. Why do I feel a little strange?" Some question marks may not be important to you, but you haven't talked deeply or hugged for a long time. "Open the book to find the answer" is in line with Taurus's attitude towards feelings.

On behalf of the lyrics: the constellation book says that we can't get along, and I don't deserve you in Taurus. After I was sad, I thought it might just be a coincidence. How can our story writer understand it? The horoscope said we didn't agree, and finally I secretly tore up that page. True love is unpredictable, so why let you know, even if you already know?

Virgo: the representative song-shallow singing

Commentary: Virgo always seems to be passive and rational emotionally. She will not expect too vigorous love, attach importance to fate, and hope that the water will flow forever. Although I have a lot of thoughts in my heart, I still don't show them easily. I dare not face up to my feelings, and I don't know how to take the initiative to fight for it. Some go with the flow and are not good at expressing their feelings. It was not until "love is fading and tears are kissing dew on the grass" that I knew "wandering along the coastline" to see "when is the sunrise". Sad, thinking of "3322 parting promise not fulfilled". Finally, tell yourself: "I said vae, you should wake up and stop crying easily;" I said vae, right or wrong, you have to face it bravely; I said, forget it. Don't make yourself so tired. It doesn't matter if you fly freely, let your dreams wait for reincarnation. "

Lyrics represent: hide in quiet and beautiful time, learn to forget seriously, choose those sunny days to walk on the lonely coastline, and sing to yourself shallowly. One must go on soberly and resolutely.

Capricorn: The representative song "The Funeral of Roses"

Commentary: Capricorn is actually very sensitive, delicate and sad. As long as someone knows them better, they will find that they will be moved by very trivial things. But in terms of feelings, it is always slow and passive. Even if you love someone deeply, you will have the feeling of being swayed by considerations of gain and loss. I'm afraid that "too bright love will eventually die" and "always inadvertently think of" watching "the beautiful fireworks rain that day" with my beloved, but "I can only stay in my memory".

On behalf of the lyrics: Rose's funeral, burying your memories, the feeling of numbness in your hands, can't stop you, it's really beautiful, the fireworks and rain that day, I said I would marry you in floral clothes; The funeral of the rose buried you in love, and the remnant stopped breathing and penetrated into the earth. No one will notice. A small raindrop accompanied me until dawn, and I missed you with this last minute.

2. Water elephant

Cancer: the representative of Song Dynasty-if at that time.

Commentary: Cancer can tell whether she likes it or is loved by others. It's too late to really understand your love. I can only think: "Why were you nice to me then, and why are you cold now?" . Finally, "I know that love is hard to stop, and I shouldn't want it if it's not mine."

On behalf of the lyrics: the sky is gray, it is raining, and the line of sight is blurred. At this time, I felt your importance. Love is gone, so is my heart. You said you were leaving, and I sang the last old song for you. The red rain aroused my memories of diving. Your beautiful eyes flowed in my heart as they did then, and the last side of the ferry came to a full stop. If it was only the first time I saw you, why should I leave you sadly?

Scorpio: Representing Song-Insider

Commentary: The charm of Scorpio is irresistible, with a mysterious, extreme and bloody taste. "This street has been littered with bodies, and you have disappeared in the masked task of killing at night. I heard someone speculate that you are the enemy lurking inside. I have known you for many years, and I am sure I know you. You gave your life to save my life, and everything came to my eyes. You are used to blood, and you forget that you are a beautiful beauty. " Just like being described as a Scorpio. Scorpio's possessive love view is well known. If you can't get it, you can't let others get it. You will choose yourself between loving and being loved. Just like the poison of poppies, getting close is fatal enough: "This is the first time you and I smiled and hugged. You said you would accompany me to my old age and stay away from this hubbub. I close my eyes and feel the subtlety of happiness. I threw away my sword, and suddenly you turned around, smiled and stabbed me in the heart. "

Lyrics: You fell into a closed dungeon and couldn't send out a distress signal. I turned back to this castle with a knife and killed my eyes. You fell into a closed dungeon and couldn't send out a distress signal, but I could feel it. Open the chain, you smile and hug me.

Pisces: the representative song-Park No.7

Commentary: Romance is the nature of Pisces, and amorous is the weakness of Pisces. Songs with beautiful lyrics are actually in line with Pisces. "In the evening, the lights went out silently, and the colorless tears fell accurately, breaking the innocence and leaving no trace of discretion. When I found that the wound was deep. " It is the most authentic psychological activity of Pisces.

Representative lyrics: The street lamp in Park No.7 put out a little cruel and empty life and began to separate between you and me. The streetlights in Park No.7 are flashing with doomed fate. When you ask questions repeatedly, you have become the third person.

3. Wind image

Gemini: the representative song-bad boy

Commentary: For Gemini, love should be as romantic and beautiful as a fairy tale. In summer, I suddenly said I wanted to see the heavy snow. When the person I like falls in love with myself, I also fall in love with others. It's hard to last. Did you ever know that the most important thing about love in fairy tales is to manage eternity with your heart?

Lyrics: You bad boy, don't be silent. If you have no tears to wipe, don't rub your eyes. Nobody blames you for being a bad boy. Love is free, and I should bear this change.

Libra: a representative song-a monologue for you

Commentary: "Can two people express themselves to each other? Don't always think about escaping. Your so-called happiness is all blank, and the monologue sent to you will also shed tears. Unlike his handling, the tenderness you gave is still there. Silence means understanding, and there is no emotion. I fell in love with loneliness, and loneliness never left. " To represent Libra, which is difficult to distinguish between love and friendship, it is difficult to extricate yourself from love. No one should object, right?

On behalf of the lyrics: I thought you loved me very much, and I loved you very much. Suddenly found that we just love ourselves deeply, and finally the rain drowned out two sentences of sorry, but speaking out, can it change this ending? I thought you loved me very much. I love you very much, but suddenly I find that everyone loves themselves deeply.

Aquarius: Representing Song-Smart.

Commentary: You have to choose a song for Aquarius, and you will never guess what Aquarius thinks. There is really nothing to say in the lyrics. "After you left, a summer boiled into an autumn. Your eyes in my book were clear, and every word declared that we broke up peacefully. Euphemistic communication also brought a little begging."

On behalf of the lyrics: How talented you are, how stupid I love, am I too stupid, or am I too serious to dream of spending my life with you. How deep is your talent and how stupid is my love? I don't want to ask again, and I can't hate you. After all, you are my favorite person. I once asked myself with a wry smile, will you cry when you take off your disguise one night? elephant

Aries: a representative song-why not?

Commentary: With Aries' temper and attitude, love will be expressed. Do we have to wait until we lose it before we regret it? "It's really going to rain in the sky. I really want to live next door to you, stand downstairs and count the dark clouds. If there is a piano on the scene, I will sing to you. Even if a big basin of water pours down, summer is almost over. Please buy less ice cream, don't wear short skirts when it is cold, and don't be so naughty. If I am not so happy sometimes, I am willing to lend you gloom. You actually know my mind "is what Aries wants the other person to know."

Lyrics: There is no style in singing this song for you. It only means that I want to give you happiness, thaw the glaciers for you and be a moth to the fire for you. Nothing is not worth it. Singing this song for you, there is no style, it just represents, I hope you are happy, toss and turn for you, why not give up this world for you, it is a little warm in late summer and early autumn.

Leo: A typical song lover's costume.

Commentary: The lion is not dominant emotionally, but it appears weak-willed. "I heard that happiness is very simple, and it will be diluted after a long time. Once the seas dried up and the rocks crumbled, but your last words couldn't be better. We got together and broke up. Can it be a rehearsal? It's really hard to end up in a stranger's company. Now second time around, love is hard to give up? " I'm afraid it best represents the lion.

On behalf of the lyrics: it is better to put on a couple's costume and pretend to be a couple. I won't be able to repeat the film carefully. Will I be strong and depressed? Just talking to me alone. It's best to put on a couple costume and pretend to be a couple. I can get closer to you without imitating your habits. Too strong, too weak and too decadent is torture. How can I sort out the tenderness you gave me?

Sagittarius stands for song-if you become a fashion.

Commentary: Sagittarius likes free and simple things, even love is no exception. The lyrics should be used to contrast the feeling of the shooter. "Dear my little darling, you are so cute, and the boys who chase you are super powerful, but I am thinking about how to say hello. What should I do if this continues? How to deal with the ups and downs of love? I'm not the boss, and I don't have a huge house. If I give you roses, can you give me a chance? I don't want to watch time fly by bit? " It can be said that it is exaggerated. "Chen Wenjing, who wants to dance with you in a miniskirt, wants to take you home to see your mother" likes to take each other to do these things.

On behalf of the lyrics: If you change your style, I will turn into rain, guard by your side, and smile like a beauty. If you turn into wind, I turn into rain, and love is locked in my brow, like water floating past.